DBT Group
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Emotion Regulation
Thinking Traps

The three states of mind

Wise Mind, Emotion Mind, Logic Mind


(Anyone) Identify one thing you have learned from group that is helpful in your life

(All can answer for 100 points)


Explain "walking the middle path" in relationships

Balancing acceptance and change, finding balance in relationships


What are some biological factors we can change or improve that make us vulnerable to emotions?

Lack of sleep, Eating too much or not enough, not taking medication, Having a physical illness


The CBT triangle indicates these 3 things influence one another.

Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors


"What" we do when we are practicing mindfulness (3 what skills)

Observe, Describe, Participate


Identify one strength you see in each group member

(anyone can answer but no repeats)


What does FAST stand for (self-respect effectiveness)

(be) Fair, (no) Apologies, Stick to Values, (be) Truthful


Name 3 purposes of emotions

1. To motivate for action, 2. Communicate to others, 3. Communicate to ourselves


1. Sierra notices that her parents have been acting differently. They often seem agitated and annoyed. Sierra thinks, “I must not be a good enough daughter”



"How" we practice mindfulness (3 how skills)

Non-Judgmentally, One-Mindfully, Effectively


Identify one thing you have learned from or about someone else in group

(anyone can answer for 300 points)


Name at least 3 ways you can validate another person

pay attention, reflect back, look to understand the person, pay attention to body language, validate the valid, show equality treat the person as an equal

When your emotions do not fit the facts or when acting on your emotion is not effective what skill can you use???

Opposite Action

(anyone who gives an example of practicing opposite action in your life gets bonus 100)


Ashley wins a local singing competition. Her family is proud of her, but she says, “It’s not that big of a deal. The competition was weak- the other girls were much younger than me”

Discounting the positive


Give an example from your own life of each state of mind (Emotion mind, logic mind, and wise mind)

(personal example)


(Everyone)  Go around group and share a fear you have.  Practice listening to and validating one another

everyone gets 400 points if all participate


What are the GIVE skills for being effective in relationships?

100 bonus points for personal examples

(be) Gentle, (act) Interested, Validate, Easy manner

Checking whether our interpretations, thoughts, and assumptions of a situation (that is causing a strong emotion) is accurate

Check the facts

(100 bonus to any personal examples of when you checked the facts and your emotion did not fit the facts)


Naomi feels really jealous and insecure when she sees her boyfriend talking to other girls, so she thinks, “He must be cheating on me!”

Fortune telling, Jumping to conclusions


Imagine a person you are angry with, bring to mind the situation. What are some things you can do to practice being mindful in this situation?

Identify the primary and secondary emotions, Identify helpful and unhelpful action urges, use a skill, focus on what works, let go of judgments, identify the facts of the situation, fully listen to the other person and put yourself in their shoes


What is one PLEASE skill you have practiced since starting group?

Treat physical illness, Balanced EATING, AVOID mood altering substances, balanced SLEEP, Get EXERCISE

What does "DEAR MAN" stand for

Bonus 100 points to anyone who can give an example of when they used this skill

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, (be) Mindful, Appear Confident, Negotiate


When emotions become extreme and you have an urge to do something harmful, you can use the skill TIPP.  What does this stand for?

Temperature, Intense physical exercise, Progressive muscle relaxation and paired breathing


Erik feels lonely & unlovable. He thinks, “No one cares about me”

catastrophizing, all-or-nothing thinking, jumping to conclusions, discounting the positive, making feelings facts