The three States of Mind
Reasonable Mind, Emotional Mind, and Wise Mind
The crisis survival skills (name one)
Distract with Wise Mind ACCEPTS, Self-Soothe with 6 Senses, IMPROVE the Moment, Pros and Cons, and TIPP
The TIPP skills (name one)
Tip the temperature of your face with very cold water, Intense aerobic exercise, Paced breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation
Barbie's beau
The WHAT skills
Observe, Describe, and Participate
Pros and Cons
The amount of time to hold your breath when practicing TIPP
30 seconds
AKA hump day, it was named for a Norse god
The skill for watching wordlessly and having a Teflon mind
Skills for changing our body chemistry rapidly
TIPP skills
The examples of exercise for TIPP
Going for a run, swimming, jumping rope, running in place or around the block, push-ups and sit-ups, jumping in place, power walking, aerobic dance
As the old saying goes, this city "wasn't built in a day"
The HOW skills
Don't judge, Stay focused, and Do what works
The distracting skill (name one)
Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emptions, Pushing away, Thoughts, Sensations
The skill involving making our exhale longer than our inhale
Paced Breathing
The microscopic fungus added to bread dough to make it rise
The definition of mindfulness
Being aware of your present moment (i.e., thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations) without judgment and without traying to change it. It is full awareness, having an opened mind.
The skills that may involve focusing your mind in a helpful way
IMPROVE the Moment (e.g., Imagery, Prayer, One thing in the moment, Vacation)
The nervous system activated by the TIPP skills
Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS)
The national emblem on the Canadian flag
Maple leaf