Distress Tolerance
Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
DBT Basics

It is being in control of your mind, rather than letting your mind be in control of you. This includes having full awareness and attentional control.

What does mindfulness mean?


A situation that is highly stressful, short-term, and has intense pressure to resolve it RIGHT NOW would be a good time to use these skills. (6.5 or higher on the 10 point scale.

What are Crisis Survival Skills?


These skills help us to understand how emotions give us information, help us communicate and influence, and motivate us to prepare for action. When we use these skills we can understand emotions, reduce our vulnerability to emotions, and decrease suffering once an unwanted/unpleasant emotion starts.

What are Emotion Regulation skills?


Interpersonal Effectiveness helps us to ask for what we need or say no skillfully. These three priorities can be used to help decide how we ask or say no.

What are Objectives, Relationships, and Self-Respect?


When you are confronted with a problem, you can use these four options to try to solve it.

What are: Solve the Problem, Feel Better about the Problem, Tolerate the Problem, and Stay Miserable?


These states of mind help us maintain mindful awareness. One is ruled by feelings and urges, one is ruled by facts, reason and logic, and the last includes both emotion and reason, the blend of both which can help make informed decision. 

What are Emotion Mind, Reasonable Mind, and Wise, Mind?


These skills have the goal of helping us tolerate painful events and emotions when you cannot make things better right away and you do not want to make things worse.

What are Distress Tolerance skills?


An emotion usually on lasts about this long, any extension of an emotion has to do with our response to the information it shares with us. 

What is 30-90 seconds?


Lack of skills, Worry Thoughts, Emotions, Not Being able to Decide and Environment can do this.

What is Stop us from getting what we want?


This concept teaches us that there is more than one way to see a situation, and that two things that seem to be opposites can be true at the same time. It can help us avoid getting stuck in 'all or nothing' thinking where we aren't as able to solve problems.

What are dialiectics?


Mindfulness "what" skills help you to be able to increase awareness and balance wise mind. These three skills include: 

What are to Observe, Describe, and Participate?


This skill helps us deal with longer-term distressing situations where we have little control. They can help us tolerate the pain of the situation.

What are Reality Acceptance/Radical Acceptance skills?


Emotions and Actions are set off by _______and ___________ of events, NOT the event itself.

What are thoughts and interpretations?


Describe the situation, Express your feelings by using "I" statements, Assert/Ask for what you want (or say no), Reinforce the benefit for all in getting what you want while being Mindful, Appearing confident, and being willing to negotiate describe this skill.

What is DEAR MAN?


To use this option in problem-solving you might need to apply interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and dialiectics. 

What is Solve the Problem?


Mindfulness "how" skills show us how to use the "what" skills to increase our awareness and ability to connect to Wise Mind. These skills include:`

What are Nonjudgmentally, One Mindfully, and Effectively?


This Distress Tolerance skill involves Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, Emotions, Pushing Away, Thoughts and Sensations to help us in a crisis situation.

What is Wise Mind ACCEPTS?


These 3 steps are part of this skill:

1.What emotion do I want to change? (identify and describe)

2. What is the prompting event? (notice/challenge judgments, extremes, and all or nothing thinking)

3. Am I interpreting the situation correctly? (other possible interpretations?)

What is Check the Facts?


Using DEAR MAN can be a challenge when the ________ gets in the way. (people are too powerful, people may not like you if you get what you want, or they won't give you what you want unless you sacrifice you self-respect).

What is the environment?


To use this option, using distress tolerance and midnfulness skills will help you  in problem solving.

What is to Tolerate the Problem?


We need to watch for these types of thoughts in our work on mindfulness, as the can easily be accepted as facts without mindful awareness?

What are interpretations and differentiating judgments?


This Distress Tolerance skill uses our five senses and movement to try to help us when our distress levels are 6.5 or higher.

What is Self-Soother with the Senses?


This skill helps us to manage urges when our emotions do NOT fit the facts, can get in the way of making a good choice, and the action urge is not helpful or could make things worse. 

What is Opposite Action?


Getting others to do what you ask them to, making refusals to unwanted requests stick, resolving a conflict, asking for your rights to be respected, and getting your opinion or point of view taken seriously are situations where you might use this skill.

What is the DEAR MAN skill?


To use this problem solving option, Emotion Regulation skills will help you.

What is Feel Better about the Problem?