Distress Tolerance
Emotional Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness

Letting go of the need to control, judge, and wish things were different than they are

What is Radical Acceptance


This skill means to make a plan for ourselves for dealing with a stressful situation we will encounter in the future

What is the Cope Ahead Skill

This skill combines your emotional mind and your reasonable mind 

What is Wise Mind


Interpersonal Effectiveness skills help you improve this

What is Communication


Name three feelings you have felt this past week

Example feelings: Happy, sad, guilty, anxious, fearful, excited, devastated, shame, discouraged, content, angry, frustrated, annoyed, depressed, embarrassed, content, joyful, peaceful, and so on…


Temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, progressive muscle relaxation

What is the TIPP skill


This skill involves choosing to do the opposite of what your emotions tell you to do

What is opposite action


The "WHAT" skill involves doing three actions. This particular action is when we take notice of our thoughts, feelings, and environment without reacting to them

What is Observe.


The "N" in DEAR MAN stands for this (to be willing, open, and flexible to compromise. Come prepared with alternatives to your request)

What is Negotiate


Write down up to five things that you feel grateful for today

Examples: Being alive, the weather, family/ friends, the food you ate for breakfast, making it to group, payday, having a roof over your head, etc. 


This type of list can be helpful when you need to make a decision between two options.

What is a Pros and Cons List


These phrases are meant to help increase your self-confidence and self-love

What are Positive Affirmations


Practicing mindfulness involves this skill, in which we notice the experience without judging it, be within the moment, and focus on what works.

What is "HOW" skill


When you tell someone that you understand their feelings, wants, difficulties and opinions about the situation, you're using this GIVE skill

What is Validate


Practice Self Compassion: Write down one thing that you need to hear today (an affirmation)

Example: I am kind. I am a good parent. I am getting better every day. I have courage. I accept myself just as I am. I forgive myself. I am an unstoppable force of nature.


This skill involves doing things that feel pleasant, comforting, and provide relief from stress or pain.

What is Self Soothing


This skill involves allowing ourselves to surf the big feelings and not letting them crash over us

What is Riding the Wave


Self regulation is being able to control your _____

What is emotions


If you're asking someone for something and yelling at them, you're not using this GIVE Skill

What is Gentle

What kinds of stress management skills do you currently use?

EX: DBT skills, but also connecting with others, deep breathing exercises, practicing gratitude, engage in self-relaxation techniques, avoiding triggers you are aware of, and taking breaks when needed.

In the ACCEPTS Skill, the "A" stands for this

What is Activities


This skill involves four steps: Pausing for a moment, taking a deep breath, observing the situation, and thinking through the next step

What is the STOP Skill


This mindful activity includes posture, breathing, meditation, and stretching

What is Yoga

Focusing on someone else's communication and gaining clarity and understanding about the issue that they are bringing to the table. This is about responding, not reacting

What is Non-defensive Listening


Mindfulness requires us to observe our surroundings and be fully present. What might you observe here with your 5 sense?

Sight- people, produce, cash registers, shopping carts

Sounds- talking, music, announcements, squeaky carts, beeping from check-out line

Tastes- Free samples, your drink, 

Touch- shopping cart, fruit, shopping bags, milk carton, frozen food

Smell- flowers, hand sanitizer, fish department, bakery department, detergent aisle