Emotion Regulation
Interpersonal Effectiveness
Distress Tolerance
Mindfulness + More
Apply the Skills Scenarios

This skill is when you look forward to what may happen and prepare for how you will handle difficult situations.

What is Coping Ahead? 


Instead of being passive, aggressive, or passive-aggressive, we should have this type of communication

What is assertive communication? 


This strategy involves making a list of the pros and cons of unhealthy behaviors and healthy behaviors to determine which behaviors we want to change: 

What is Cost-Benefits Analysis? 


The five senses include: 

What are Hearing, smell, taste, touch, and sight? 


You and your best friend had a disagreement, and now you’re both upset. You want to express your feelings but don’t want the argument to escalate or damage the friendship. You can use the following DBT Skills: 

What are Interpersonal Effectiveness skills? (DEARMAN, GIVE, or FAST)


This technique helps you reduce the intensity of a strong emotion by changing your behavior or thoughts in the moment.

What is opposite action? 


This I.E skill helps you to get what you want from someone and express a need

What is DEARMAN? 


This distress tolerance strategy helps you tolerate pain by accepting it without judgment or resistance.

What is radical acceptance? 


This mindfulness perceive sees the mind as having a logical mind and an emotional mind. These work together to create the___ mind: 

What is wise mind? 


You have a huge project due in two days, a test coming up, and a ton of homework. You feel overwhelmed and like you’re not going to finish everything on time. You begin having a panic attack. You can use the following DBT skills: 

What is a distress tolerance skill? (TIPP, ACCEPTS, IMPROVE, self-soothing, etc) 


This DBT skill suggests that you increase positive emotions by getting better at a certain activity and doing things that are enjoyable or meaningful.

What is ABC- "Building Mastery"?


This skill is needed to continue to foster a healthy relationship: 

What is the GIVE skill? 


This distress tolerance skill helps you ride out intense emotions without making things worse.

What is urge surfing? 


This mindfulness concept helps you keep from making conclusions about yourself or others, and instead observe things as they are.

What is a non-judgmental stance? 


Your teacher criticized your presentation in front of the class. You feel embarrassed and angry because you thought you did well. You feel like yelling or storming out of the room. You can use the following DBT skills: 

What is emotional regulation skills? Opposite action, STOP, Coping ahead, PLEASE


This skill involves looking at the situation in front of you and determining what is accurate about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

What is Checking the facts? 


The FAST skill for maintaining self respect includes the following 4 elements: 

What is be FAIR, no APOLOGIES, stick to VALUES, and be TRUTHFUL? 


The skill TIPP includes the following four elements: 

What is Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation? 


These are the elements of a behavioral chain analysis:

What are Vulnerabilities, prompting event, links (thoughts, feelings, and sensation), target behavior/new behavior, short and long term consequences? 


You’re invited to a party, but you feel incredibly anxious about being judged or not fitting in. You’re thinking of backing out because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable. You can use the following DBT Skills: 

What are mindfulness skills? (Observe, participate, non-judgmentally, wise-mind)


The PLEASE skill includes the following 5 elements to help regulate emotions:

What is treat Physical Illness, Eat a balanced diet, Avoid Mood Altering Drugs, Sleep, and Exercise? 


These are the elements of the DEARMAN technique: 

What is describe, express, assert, reinforce, mindfully, appear confident, and negotiate?


This DBT skill acronym helps you “Distract” yourself in moments of crisis by focusing on something unrelated to the stressor

What is ACCEPTS?

These are the 5 elements of a smart goal: 

What is specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, relevant, timebound? 


Create a quick SMART goal:

Is the goal specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound?