Wise Mind
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance

How many states of mind are there?



What does it mean to be mindful?

To be in the here and now.


Give an example of opposite action.

Fear: gets us ready to run or hide. It activates us to escape danger.

Opposite: go towards, stay involved in it, build courage.


What is radical acceptance?

Radical acceptance is the complete and total acceptance of reality. This means that you accept the reality in your mind, heart, and body. You stop fighting against the reality and accept it.


What does DBT stand for?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


What are the names of the 3 states of mind?

Rational Mind, Wise Mind, and Emotion Mind.


What are two mindfulness skills?

What skills and How skills


Why do we use cope ahead skills?

The Cope Ahead Skill is intended to have us consider how we might be prepared in some way to help us reduce stress ahead of the time we are asked to do some task.


The TIP skill is  intended to change your body chemistry fast in order to reduce the intensity of emotion mind. What is an example of TIP?

Example: Tip the temperature of your face with cold water* (to calm down fast) Holding your breath, put your face in a bowl of cold water, or hold a cold pack (or zip-lock bag of cold water) on your eyes and cheeks. Hold for 30 seconds. Keep water above 50°F.


How many modules are in DBT?



When could it be helpful to be in Rational Mind?

Example: Doing math, baking, following directions/instructions


What does mindfulness help with? 

Redirecting our attention to the present moment.


How could you regulate your emotions?

Examples: walking my dog, practicing yoga, taking a bath.


Define self- soothing

Doing things that feel pleasant, comforting, and provide relief from stress or pain. It makes it much easier to pass the time without making things worse.


Name one of the four DBT modules

Answers could be:


Distress Tolerance 

Emotion Regulation

Interpersonal Effectiveness


How can you tell that you or someone else is in Emotion mind?

Example: uncontrollable behaviors, yelling, screaming, impulsivity. 


What mindset should we be in when we are practicing mindfulness? 

A nonjudgmental mindset


Name one of the PLEASE skills.


  • Treat PhysicaL Illness and take medications as prescribed.

  • Balance Eating in order to avoid mood swings.

  • Avoid mood-Altering substances and have mood control.

  • Maintain good Sleep so you can enjoy your life.

  • Get Exercise to maintain high spirits.


How can you use the Improve skill in a difficult situation?

  • Imagery: Improve the moment with Imagery. Imagine a beautiful scene on the beach or in the mountains. Image a safe place in your home.

  • Meaning: Improve the moment with Meaning. Find purpose or meaning in your daily activities.

  • Relaxation: Improve the moment with Relaxation. Breath deeply, take a hot bath, massage your neck.

  • Prayer: Improve the moment with Prayer. Ask for strength from your supreme being.

  • Focus: Improve the moment with One thing in the moment. Focus your attention on this moment.

  • Vacation: Improve the moment with Vacation memories. Go to the beach or the woods for a walk.


What two strategies does DBT use?

Acceptance and Change


What does it mean to be in Wise Mind?

To be present, make a conscious decision after acknowledging thoughts and emotions.  (being rational and emotional)


What are the five sense we use in mindfulness?







Why do we use the ABC PLEASE skill?

The ABC PLEASE Skill is about taking good care of ourselves so that we can take care of others. Also, an important component of DBT is to reduce our vulnerability. When we take good care of ourselves, we are less likely to be vulnerable to disease and emotional crisis. 


This skill can be very helpful when you need to make a decision between two or more options. The objective when using this skill is for you to realize that accepting reality and tolerating distress leads to better outcomes versus rejecting reality and refusing to tolerate distress.  Name this skill. 

Pro/Con skill


What is the main goal of DBT?

To build a life worth living