Interpersonal effectiveness
Distress Tolerance
Emotional Regulation
DBT Scenarios

What is the "5-4-3-2-1 (with senses)" coping skill?

Grounding, mindfulness skill

5 things you can touch       2 things you can smell

4 things you can feel          1 thing you can taste

3 things you can hear


What is interpersonal effectiveness? 

Communication skills to help with assertiveness and conflict resolving 


What is distress tolerance?

Managing any form of distress on the scale to help bring yourself lower in numbers

7 --> 3

What is positive distraction?

Anything that can help improve your mood in the moment that does not contribute to negative behaviors


You are feeling distressed and need to be grounded in reality and in touch with your surroundings

Which DBT skill could be used?

"5-4-3-2-1" grounding with senses/colors

Using this grounding skill to be more in touch with your senses or sight and being mindful of the environment and help reduce anxiety 


What are the three states of mind?

Emotional: The mentality of having an "emotional filter" through thoughts and behaviors

Rational: The mentality of thoughts and behaviors based on the logic and facts

Wise mind: An equal combination of emotions and using facts


What are the top three interpersonal skills?





What is a good external coping skill for distress tolerance? (my personal favorite)


Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, Progressive muscle relaxation

(Another can include A.C.C.E.P.T.S - which Brandon has taught)


What is emotional regulation?

"Staying at your baseline" 

I.E. Avoid getting "heightened" and yelling at a parent


You are wanting to try out for track. You're not the fastest runner in class and this is fact. You also feel confident and motivated to try out. 

Which DBT skill could be used?

Wise Mind/Dialectics

Rational - Knowing you need to train A LOT and being able to keep up

Emotional - Feeling motivated and Confident in tryouts

Wise mind - Applying both of these in your decision to try out 


What are dialectics?

A statement that shows are two things, mostly opposites, can be true 

I.E. I love my dad AND I am upset with him, right now.

BUT --> AND 

What are at least three fair fighting rules?

Discuss one topic at a time

No yelling

Take turns speaking



What are good internal coping skills for distress tolerance?


Stop, Take a step back, Observe the situation, Proceed mindfully

(Another can include I.M.P.R.O.V.E. which is internal and external)


How can you use opposite action?

Identify your emotion and possibly, hindering, behavioral urge(s) and do the opposite of the urge(s) that is a positive alternative.


You have a group of friends who always spend your money because they say they "forgot" they're wallets: EVERY time!

Which DBT skill could be used?


Using D.E.A.R.M.A.N. to confront the group, assertively, about spending a lot of your money and not paying back


What are the mindfulness "what" skills?

Observe: Noticing your environment and noting thoughts, feelings, and emotions 

Describe: Using mindful words to explain your experience - no labels

Participate: Staying in the "NOW"


What is the D.E.A.R- in D.E.A.R.M.A.N.

Describe - What happened?; only the FACTS

Express - How did you feel; "I" statements

Assert - Clearly state you need(s), in the situation

Reinforce - Smile or say "thank you", if they respond well 


What does the "V" stand for in I.M.P.R.O.V.E.


Take a break and enjoy yourself (read, call a homie, watch clouds, binge watch a funny show, ETC)


What are top three emotional regulation skills?

Opposite action - 

Check the facts - What are the facts of what is going on or the facts of the outcome? (CBT)

Positive distraction - anything that can help you smile I.E. a favorite color


Your parents have habits that you disagree with, mannerisms, mentalities, and most of the time they hurt you. It's been years and they don't want to be different

What DBT skill could be used?

Radical Acceptance and/or Dialectics 

I have been told if someone does not want to change or a situation can not be changed, you have to remember: you can only control YOU. While also, trying to look at both sides of the situation


What are the mindfulness "how" skills?

Non-judgmentally: Observing emotions as not "good" or "bad" 

One-mindfully: Focusing on one thing at a time; avoid multitasking

Effectively: Putting mindfulness skills into action  


What is F.A.S.T. used for?

Self respect assertiveness

F - Fair; Assertively putting your needs first 

A - (No) Apologies; Avoid over-apologizing 

S - Stick to your values; I.E. Honesty, Kindness, Humor, ETC

T - Truthful; No lying, exaggerating, or even minimizing 


What is Radical Acceptance? 

Accepting a situation for what it is and not trying to change it

Acceptance does NOT equal agreeing 

One skill can include challenging a "should" statement (CBT)


What is P.L.E.A.S.E. used for?

Helping you maintain a healthy body to help maintain regulated emotions

P.L. - Treat physical illness

E - Eat healthy

A - Avoid mood altering drugs

S - Sleep well

E - Exercise  


You have a friend who tells you you're demeanor has been quite off the past week. You want to make a change in communication to be softer in words

Which DBT skill could be used?


The skill in this scenario:

G - Gentle; Don't attack

I - Interested; Active listening

V - Validate; Acknowledge the other's feelings and words

E - Easy - Smile and be light hearted