DBT Basics
Emotion Regulation
Distress Tolerance
Interpersonal Effectiveness

What does "DBT" stand for?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy


What do the three states of mind refer to in DBT?

Emotional mind, rational mind, wise mind


What is at least one goal of the DBT emotion regulation skills?

Understand and name your own emotions, decrease the frequency of unwanted emotions, decrease emotional vulnerability, decrease emotional suffering.


When should you use distress tolerance skills?

For tolerating painful events, urges, and emotions when you cannot make things better right away.

If pt responds with "in crisis," have them elaborate what "crisis" means/ looks like.


What are the three ways to clarify goals in interpersonal situations? Hint: What are the three main skills teaching you to do?

Objectiveness effectiveness= getting what you want from others (DEAR MAN); relationship effectiveness= keeping and improving the relationship (GIVE); self-respect effectiveness= keeping or improving self-respect (FAST)


What are the four skill groups of DBT?

Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Interpersonal Effectiveness


What do the DBT "what" skills consist of?

Observe, describe, participate


What are at least three factors that make it hard to regulate emotions?

Biology, lack of skill, reinforcement of emotional behavior, moodiness, emotional overload, emotion myths

There are many distress tolerance skills. Name at least 4.

STOP, pros and cons, TIPP, distract with wise mind ACCEPTS, self-soothe with the five senses, IMPROVE the moment, radical acceptance, half-smiling and willing hands, turning the mind, willingness


The DEAR MAN skill is used for getting what you want. What does "DEAR MAN" stand for?

Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce, stay Mindful, Appear confident, Negotiate


DBT is largely based on what other kind of therapy?

CBT - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What do the DBT "how" skills consist of?

Non-judgmental language, one-mindfulness, and effectiveness


"You are around a person or group whose behavior or thinking could seriously damage or harmfully influence you or the group you are a part of" is a situation that fits the facts of what emotion?

Disgust. Other situations that fit the facts for disgust are: Something you are in contact with could poison or contaminate you; somebody whom you deeply dislike is touching you or someone you care about.


Please provide a recent example of when you have effectively practiced STOP or TIPP, or a time when you could have used it in a situation to help de-escalate. How did you remember to use it/ how will you remember to use it next time? How does using this skill make you feel after?

Various responses.


The GIVE skill is for keeping the relationship you have with someone. What does "GIVE" stand for?

be Gentle, act Interested, Validate, use an Easy manner

Who invented DBT?

Marsha Linehan


Provide at least one example of how you would practice each "what" skill.

Various responses. Observe, describe, participate.


What does "opposite action " mean and what are at least two examples of how you would use opposite action for the feeling of anger?

Opposite action is when your emotions do NOT fit the facts or when acting on your emotions is NOT effective.

Examples for anger: Gently avoid, take a time out (STOP), do something kind, imagine understanding/perspective taking, imagine really good reasons for what happened/causal event


A common distress tolerance skill is to distract with wise mind ACCEPTS. This stands for Activities, Contributing, Comparisons, different Emotions, Pushing away, other Thoughts, other Sensations. Please provide at least one example of how you would practice each of these distraction skills.

Activities- listening to music, video games, walk; Contributing- volunteer work, happy text to friend; Comparisons- compare now to a time you felt worse; different Emotions- soothing music, funny video; Pushing away- compartmentalizing, build an imaginary box or wall; other Thoughts- grounding by serial 7s, 5-4-3-2-1; other Sensations- stress ball, loud music, holding ice


The FAST skill is for keeping respect for yourself. What does "FAST" stand for?

be Fair, no over-Apologizing, Stick to values, be Truthful


What diagnosis was DBT originally created to treat?

Borderline Personality Disorder


Provide at least one example of how you would practice each "how" skills.

Various responses. Non-judgmental language, one mindfulness, and effectiveness.


What does ABC PLEASE stand for?


Accumulating positive emotions (short-term and long-term), Build mastery, Cope ahead of time with emotional situations, 

PLEASE- (take care of your mind by taking care of your body)

treat PhysicaL illness, balance Eating, avoid mood-Altering substances, balance Sleep, get Exercise

What are three reasons why we need to accept reality as it is?

1) Rejecting reality does not change reality; 2) Changing reality requires first accepting reality; 3) Pain can't be avoided as it is nature's way of signaling that something is wrong; 4) Rejecting reality turns pain into suffering; 5) Refusing to accept reality can keep you stuck in unhappiness, bitterness, anger, sadness, etc.; 6) Acceptance may lead to sadness, but deep calmness usually follows; 7) The path out of hell is through misery. By refusing to accept the misery that is part of climbing out of hell, you fall back into hell.


There are 6 levels of validation from the GIVE skill. Name at least 3.

Pay attention (no multitasking), reflect back (parroting without using a judgmental tone), "read minds" (pay attention to nonverbals), understand (does how are they feeling, thinking, or behaving make sense based on their past/present situation?), acknowledge the valid (does it fit the facts?), show equality (treat others as equals)