Distress Tolerance Basics
DBT in Action
Coping Strategies
Name That Skill!
Pop Culture & Coping

This term refers to a person’s ability to endure emotional pain without making it worse.

What is distress tolerance?


True or False: DBT distress tolerance skills should only be used during crisis situations

What is False? They can be used anytime to manage emotions


Engaging your five senses to bring comfort and calm during distress is called this.

What is self-soothing?


"I can't control this, but I can control how I respond to it.

What is Radical Acceptance?


This Disney character tells herself, “Just keep swimming” as a way to handle distress.

Who is Dory?


The four key areas of distress tolerance in DBT include radical acceptance, self-soothing, improving the moment, and this.

What is distraction?


When someone imagines a peaceful place to shift their focus, they are using this DBT strategy.

What is guided imagery?


Watching a funny video or listening to upbeat music can serve as this type of coping mechanism.

What is distraction?


"I will focus on just one thing right now.

What is One Thing in the Moment?


In The Lion King, this character struggles with avoiding emotions but learns to face his past.

Who is Simba?


When you acknowledge reality without judgment and stop fighting what you cannot change, you are practicing this technique

What is radical acceptance?


A distress tolerance skill that involves immersing yourself in water, holding your breath, or using ice packs to calm extreme emotions.

Temperature (TIPP Skill)


True or False: Coping strategies should be used to permanently avoid difficult emotions.

What is False? They are short-term tools to manage distress.


This skill encourages you to use positive, encouraging words to help yourself get through distress.

What is positive self-talk or affirmations? 


In Star Wars, this Jedi teaches mindfulness and self-control through meditation.

Who is Yoda?


Distress tolerance skills fall under this broader category of psychological treatment.

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)?


This skill helps you shift your perspective by focusing on long-term goals instead of short-term distress

What is Pros and Cons?


Deep breathing, meditation, and muscle relaxation all fall under this coping strategy.

What is mindfulness?


"I will take a short break from my stress by imagining my happy place."  

What is imagery?


The Pixar movie Inside Out teaches that this emotion is just as important as joy.

What is sadness?


Distress tolerance skills are about learning to ______ painful emotions rather than focusing on making them disappear.

What is tolerate?


Instead of fighting a painful reality, you tell yourself, “I don’t like this, but I can handle it.”

What is radical acceptance?


Name one common maladaptive coping strategy that people sometimes use when they don’t have distress tolerance skills.

What is avoidance, substance use, self-harm, or aggression?


"I will dip my face in cold water to lower my heart rate."

What is TIPP?


In Harry Potter, this spell requires a happy memory and intense focus, making it similar to guided imagery.

What is the Patronus Charm?