changing our assumptions and interpretations about a situation
What is Checking the facts
by definition, crisis situations are...
what is short term
being mindful
What is being in the present moment.
what is interpersonal effectiveness.
a way to determine what is causing behavior and how it is being maintained
What is chain analysis
changing your emotional state through behavior
What is opposite action
what is Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing and Paired muscle relaxation
Inner wisdom and ability to integrate logic and emotions
What is wise mind
first step and most important skill
what is clarifying personal goals
reduce suffering and increase a sense of freedom
what is radical acceptance.
continually practicing skills to feel more confident, competent and capable
What is Building Mastery (aBc)
_______ the moment
What is improve
middle ground between addict mind and clean mind
what is clear mind
Relationship effectiveness
Actively eliminating from your life any potential triggers
what is burning bridges
Cope ahead
What is the C. in the ABC acronym
Making a list when in crisis
What is pros and cons
"what" skills
what are observe, describe, or participate
What is fair, no apologies, stick to values, and tell the truth.
Self-respect effectiveness
What is the general goal of DBT.
What is PhysicaL illness, balanced Eating, Avoiding mood altering substances, Sleep, and Exercise
What are Activites, Contributions, Comparisons/gratitude, opposite Emotion, Pushing away, other Thoughts, intense Sensations
"How" skills
D.E.A.R M.A.N.
what is describe, express, assert, reinforce, mindfully, appear, and negotiate.
what is Stop, Take a step back, Observe, and Proceed mindfully.