What Skills
How Skills
Here and now
Judgement or Description
Use it

Name the 3 What skills

Observe, Describe, Participate


Name the 3 How skills

nonjudgmental, one-mindfully, and effective


True or False: The goal of mindfulness is to get rid of all thoughts

False! Mindfulness helps us change our relationship with our thoughts


It is a beautiful day out today



How could you use mindfulness in the following situation:

You are walking down the hallway when someone that you have had trouble with before gives you a look. 

Observe: I could notice how I was thinking and any judgments that I'm making (I don't like them! They're always causing trouble!) I could recognize that I'm feeling angry, frustrated, and physically tense. I could recognize that I'm making judgments and not judge myself yet make an effective decision to ignore them and just keep walking to avoid any unnecessary conflict.


Define Observe

Wordless watching

sensing or experiencing without describing or labeling the experience

Observe 5 senses 

Don't push away thoughts


Describe one mindfully

To do one thing at a time

Concentrate your mind on the present moment

Let go of distractions

Being grounded in the present moment


Define Mindfulness

Paying attention on purpose

Intentional focused awareness- a practice of purposely attending to the present moment without judgement.

“Falling Awake”

"Awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally,” Jon Kabbat-Zinn

Awareness of one's internal states and external surroundings.


While washing the dishes you think:

The water feels slippery from the soap, this dish is blue, I hear the silverware clink against the plate. 



How could you use mindfulness in the following situation:

You get home from school and your parent yells from the other room that you need to bring the trash cans in.

Notice how I'm feeling physically and any emotions that I have. I could notice how I'm thinking, if I'm making any judgments about how they asked me to bring the trash cans in or if I'm feeling tired, frustrated, or hungry. I could notice any judgments and focus on any facts at the moment. I could then make an effective decision. I want to be able to relax and watch things on my phone, but I also don't want to get into an argument. I say "got it!" bring the trash cans in, and then have some time to myself.


Define Describe

Putting into words won the experience

Using words to talk about your observation


Describe being  effective

Act as skillfully as you can- not on emotions

Allowing yourself to let go of the need to be or feel ‘right’

Play by the rules


List some of the benefits of practicing Mindfulness

Research studies have documented the benefits of mindfulness including a decrease in anxiety, depression and irritability. Mindfulness helps us to notice automatic ways of living or our autopilot so we can change these patterns. Mindfulness helps us to live in the present moment so we are not reliving the past or pre-living the future


We got 6 inches of snow since yesterday



How could you use mindfulness in the following situation:

You're in math class and a new student shows up who is kind of cute. They sit next to you and start talking to you.

I could notice how I'm thinking and feeling. I could notice any judgments I'm having such as "ooo maybe they like me!" I could notice any feelings such as excitement, interest, or jealousy. I could recognize my state of mind and focus on being non judgmental about my thoughts and feelings and make an effective decision to not make an impulsive decision and just have a conversation with them.


Describe Participate

Entering wholly into an activity. 

Throwing yourself into something completely.

Getting your whole body involved. 


Describe nonjudgmental 

Accept each moment as it is- not good or bad

Letting go of the automatic judgments that arise in your mind with every experience you have (JKZ)

Catch and replace the judgements


There are formal and informal mindful practices. Give an example of each

Informal: During any moment noticing thoughts, emotions, body sensations or the environment

Formal: Meditation, walking, yoga, Qigong, body scan, contemplative prayer


This situation is unfair. I can't handle it.



Rephrase this statement to be nonjudgmental: 

"I hate Sally. She is so annoying." 

Answers may vary 


Describe your experience using the what skills

Answers vary from person to person based on personal experience.


Describe your experience using the How skills

Answers vary from person to person based on personal experience.


Describe your experience with mindfulness

Noticing thoughts, emotions, sensations and the environment; Mind wandering; Focused attention; Boredom; Peace and relaxation; a "slowing down" of time, frustration (endless possibilities)


Change this judgement to a description:

My car repair bill was high. The mechanic was trying to rip me off.

The car repair bill is $500. 

I don't feel confident that the repairs were necessary.

I don't understand why some of the parts needed to be replaced.

I don't have the money to cover that expense. 


Describe a recent situation that you were able to implement mindfulness. 

What was the impact? 

Answers may vary