Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
Everyone on the team must answer for points
Would you rather have the power to heal any physical injury or have the power to heal any emotional pain?
Everyone on your team must answer for points
Would you rather always know the truth and never be able to speak or hear a lie, or be able to lie perfectly without ever being caught?
Everyone on team must answer for points
Would you rather have unlimited money or unlimited love?
Everyone on your team must answer for points
What is the name of the main character in final fantasy 7?
cloud strife
What is this brain responsible for?
emotions and feeling
What is this brain responsible for?
past experiences, research, Facts, critical thinking, logic
What does wise mind mean ?
Using both brains to make decisions based from a place of logic and feelings.
What is mindfulness?
Living in the present moment. Being (intentionally) more aware and awake to each moment and being fully engaged in what is happening in one's surroundings – with acceptance and without judgment.
Jill, nemesis, leon, and werker?
What happens when emotional mind is activated?
We act based off of emotions and tend to make impulsive and "rash" decisions without thinking it through
How do we act when the reasonable mind is activated?
actions are based on facts, data, history, logic etc.
True or False?
Boundaries don't exist with the wise mind.
False, good boundaries are important
What is one way to practice mindfulness?
Observe without judgement
Focus your attention slowly and deliberately on each part of your body, in order, from toe to head or head to toe
What is the edge worms first name
What another name for this brain where you're reactive and impulsive?
Downstairs brain or limbic system
What is another name for this mind?
Upstairs brain (frontal lobe)
Can wise mind be helpful for problem solving?
Why does mindfulness work for the wise mind?
The more we practice mindfulness, or observing, the easier it becomes to access the DBT skill called Wise Mind
How do characters speak in splatoon 2?
An example of when you are in your emotional mind?
Provided an example scenario
acting/speaking without thinking
being very emotional
believing our feelings are facts
an example of when you are in your reasonable/rational mind?
Provide example scenario
making decisions based on the facts
not thinking about yours or others feelings
an example of when you are in your wise mind?
using facts and feelings to make choices (examples of scenarios)
have you seen others practice mindfulness?
example: another student paying attention to teacher
What organization is midas from in fortnite?
shadow "the agency"