Read Doctrine and Covenants 10:43 to see what God’s wisdom exceeds.
The cunning of the Devil.
What are some specific messages Jesus Christ has inspired His living prophets to frequently repeat?
What repeated messages have you noticed so far in your study of the Doctrine and Covenants?
Trust in the Lord, Let God Prevail, Think Celestial
What are some examples in the scriptures or from history in which God’s wisdom overcame a cunning plan of the devil?
The Fall, The Atonement
List as many reasons as you can for why a person with eternal life is rich (see Doctrine and Covenants 11:7).
Mosiah 2:41
2 Part Question
What are examples of the work God asks youth to accomplish today?
What cunning plans does Satan use to try to stop us from accomplishing God’s work?
Gather Israel, Strength of Youth
Read D&C 11:20 - What is our work according to this verse?
Keep the Commandments, with all heart might mind and strength
How could a snare or trap represent Satan’s intentions toward us?
He makes something look enticing... but it hurts/kills us spiritually instead.
How have you or someone you know been blessed for diligently striving to keep the Savior’s commandments?
Safety, Peace, Joy
What does God say about the content of the stolen pages compared to what Joseph would translate next (the small plates) Doctrine and Covenants 10:43–46?
I think it would be exciting if the 116 pages of manuscript turned up some day, but if they were delivered to my office tomorrow I would never trade them for the material in the small plates of Nephi, for the “greater views” given through the great prophetic sentinels who stand at the gate of the book. (Jeffrey R. Holland,
What can we do to learn how to better receive and act on inspiration from the Holy Ghost?
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