Who was Martin Harris?
Martin Harris was a wealthy land owner old enough to be Joseph Smith’s father.
He helped Joseph settle his debts and was Joseph’s scribe for a time when Emma Smith was pregnant.
What happened shortly after Joseph gave Martin the manuscript?
Moroni appeared to Joseph and took the interpreters from him.
What is the "marvelous work" referred to in verse 1?
The restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the Spring of 1829, Martin brought Joseph bad news, what was it?
Lucy Harris had filed a complaint in court claiming that Joseph was a fraud.
What part did Martin Harris play in fulfilling prophecy from the time of Nephi?
Martin Harris took copied characters from the gold plates to a professor at Columbia University who said the characters were similar to Egyptian and the translation was correct, even providing a certificate of their authenticity.
When Martin told the professor how Joseph got the plates, he took back the certificate and destroyed it. He said that the plates should be brought to Columbia and translated by scholars.
Martin explained that part of the plates were sealed and that Joseph was not allowed to show them to anyone.
“I cannot read a sealed book,” said the professor.
2 Nephi 27:15-18
After a few weeks of no word from Martin, what does Emma push Joseph to do?
She has him return to his parent’s home and find out the state of Martin and the pages.
Who is called to this work?
All who have a desire to serve God.
(D&C 4:3)
What was Martin's role in the complaint?
Martin expected to be summoned and either declare that Joseph fooled him, or be charged with him.
Who was Lucy Harris and how did she feel about Martin and Joseph?
Lucy was Martin’s wife. She was unhappy that Martin had gone to NY without her and invited herself along with Martin into the Smith’s home when Martin was to be scribe for Joseph. She was determined to see the gold plates but when Joseph refused to show them to her she would search the house for them.
She soon left the Smith’s home and stayed with a neighbor, but would tell their neighbors that Joseph was after Martin’s money. After a few weeks of coursing trouble, she returned to her home.
When Joseph arrived at his parent’s home, they had prepared breakfast and invited Martin to join them at 8:00.
How long was it before he finally arrived?
More than 4 hours later, he appeared in the distance, walking slowly toward the house, his eyes fixed on the ground in front of him.
What is the God harvesting in verse 4?
All of his children.
This is a metaphor for missionary work and restoring a knowledge of the Lord to all his children. Laying them up in "store", bringing salvation to both the harvester and the harvested.
Martin pushed Joseph to give him evidence that he could take to court, or to allow him to tell the court about the translation. What did Joseph do?
Joseph asked the Lord and received an answer for Martin (Section 5).
Months later many pages had been translated. What did Martin ask to do?
Martin had become convinced that if he could let his wife read the translation, she would see its value and stop interfering with their work. He wanted to take the manuscript home for a few weeks.
What did Martin say when Joseph asked where the manuscript was?
“It is gone, and I know not where.”
If all who want to server God are called, what qualifications do they need?
Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love
An eye single to the glory of God
(D&C 4:5)
What did the Lord tell Joseph about providing physical evidence to the court?
Verily, I say unto you, that woe shall come unto the inhabitants of the earth if they will not hearken unto my words;
For hereafter you shall be ordained and go forth and deliver my words unto the children of men.
Behold, if they will not believe my words, they would not believe you, my servant Joseph, if it were possible that you should show them all these things which I have committed unto you.
D&C 5:5-7
What was Joseph’s response to Martin’s request?
Joseph was wary of Martin’s desire because of Lucy’s behavior, but he wanted to please Martin, who believed in him when many others did not.
Joseph asked the Lord and was told no. Martin begged him to ask again, and he did, but the answer was the same. Martin pressed Joseph to ask a third time and this time was told to do as he pleased.
Joseph gave Martin the manuscript of 116 pages and made him covenant to only show them to certain family members.
What happened when Joseph returned home?
Moroni appeared and took the plates away, telling him “If you are sufficiently humble and penitent, you will receive them again on the twenty-second of September.”
What other attributes will we need to finish the work of bringing souls to Heavenly Father?
Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Brotherly Kindness, Godliness, Charity, Humility, and Diligence
Martin was told to choose, he could humble himself, repent, and keep the covenants he had made with the Lord or he could seek the approval of men.
What did Martin choose to do?
When Martin stood before the judge, he offered a simple, powerful testimony. With a hand raised to heaven, he witnessed of the truth of the gold plates and declared that he had freely given Joseph fifty dollars to do the Lord’s work. With no evidence to prove Lucy’s accusations, the court dismissed the case.