Martin Harris
The Lost Pages
The Lords Work
Requirements to Serve
The Three Witnesses

Who was Martin Harris?

A wealthy farmer who supported Joseph Smith and helped with the translation of the Book of Mormon.


How many pages of the translated manuscript were lost? Tripple points

116 pages.


(D&C 3:1) The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be ___ , neither can they come to ____.

Frustrated, naught


According to D&C 4:3- 6, what qualifies a person to serve in the Lord’s work?

    A desire to serve.


Who were the Three Witnesses?

Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris.


What major sacrifice did Martin Harris make to support the translation of the Book of Mormon?

He mortgaged his farm to pay for printing the Book of Mormon.


What mistake did Joseph Smith make that led to the loss of the pages?

He repeatedly asked the Lord for permission to give them to Martin Harris after being warned not to.


Who was ultimately responsible for the lost pages?

Both Martin Harris and Joseph Smith, but Joseph was chastised for not following the Lord’s guidance.


What is listed in D&C 4:6 as essential attributes for those who serve God? Double points

Faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence.


B According to D&C 5, why were witnesses needed? Double points

So the world could have multiple testimonies that the Book of Mormon was true.


What did Martin Harris want to do that led to the loss of the 116 pages?

He wanted to show the manuscript to his wife and some close friends.


What did the Lord say happened because Joseph feared man more than God? (D&C 3:12,14)

He lost his privilege to translate for a time.


In DNC 4 the field is __ and already to ___

White, harvest 


According to D&C 6 what does the Lord compare missionary work to?

“A great and marvelous work


What did the witnesses see in addition to the gold plates?

The angel Moroni and other sacred artifacts (like the Liahona and the sword of Laban).


What did the Lord tell Martin Harris he had to do in order to be a witness to the Book of Mormon? (D&C 5:24) Double points

Humble himself, repent, and have faith in God’s word 


 What did the Lord tell Joseph to do after losing the pages?

Repent and continue the work, but with greater faith and diligence (D&C 3:10)


What does D&C 4:7 promise those who ask in faith?

They will receive answers and guidance from God.


What does D&C 4:5 say about faith, hope, and charity?

They qualify us for the work of the Lord.


What did the Lord require of Martin Harris before he could become a witness?

(D&C 5:24-25)

To humble himself, exercise faith, and keep the Lord’s commandments 


I’mDid Martin Harris ever see the gold plates?

Yes. He became one of the Three Witnesses who saw the plates and testified of them.


How did the Lord prevent the adversary from altering the Book of Mormon’s message despite the lost pages?

    God had Nephi and other prophets write a second, inspired record covering the same events (Words of Mormon 1:3-7).


What principle can we learn from D&C 3:2 about God’s reliability?

God is unchanging


According to D&C 4:4, what does the Lord say about the reward for those who diligently serve Him?

salvation to his soul


What happened to the testimonies of the Three Witnesses over time?

Though some left the Church, they never denied their testimony of the gold plates.