D&C 3
I can gain a witness
D&C 4
I can trust God.
D&C 5

Section 3 is the directions from Angel Moroni after which accident?

What is Martin Harris losing the 116 pages of the BofM Plates


Who was Joseph Smith allowed to show the plates? (100 Bonus points if you get the name)

3 Witnesses 

1-Martin Harris

2-Oliver Cowdery

3-David Whitmer


Section 4 is a revelation for which family member and why?

What is Joseph Smith Sr. wanting to know his purpose in the restoration.

If we remain faithful to God and follow his commandments, he will....

what is - He will protect us from our adversaries. 


What is the promised purpose of Section 5

What is Joseph Smith promising to no longer give information to people and to ask Martin Harris to repent for questioning God's will


According to V.7, who should we fear more than anything else?

What is - We should fear god over man


What is the OVERALL message of D&C 3-5?

What is - God is a God of second chances. 


What happens to people that 'embark in the service of God'?

What is - "ye may stand blameless before God at the last day"


What is the message of “Behold, I have reserved those things… for a wise purpose in me” (D&C 5)

What is - Trust that God is aware of your struggles and has already prepared answers and solutions, even if you cannot see them yet.


What was the 1st gift given to Joseph by God and the conditions behind it?

What is - 4 And you have a gift to translate the plates; and this is the first gift that I bestowed upon you; and I have commanded that you should pretend to no other gift until my purpose is fulfilled in this; for I will grant unto you no other gift until it is finished.


What was told to Joseph Smith about staying faithful and listening to God's first no. 

That god would have extended God's arm to Joseph to protect him from all his adversaries.


Why did God know that Joseph Smith would need witnesses of the plates. 

What is Lucy Harris' doubt was an example of the doubt many others would have after Joseph Smith shared the scripture.


What are the 10 things Joseph Smith Sr. is told to remember?

What is - Faith, Virtue, Knowledge, Temperance, Patience, Brotherly Kindness, Godliness, Charity, Humility, and Diligence. 


Why is the work of God not "frustrated" or "come to naught"?

What is - Unlike men, God's paths are not crooked nor does he stray. His course is "one eternal round"


What does God say will happen to people that believe in him and listen to his word?

What is - (16)whosoever believeth on my words, them will I visit with the manifestation of my Spirit; and they shall be born of me, even of water and of the Spirit


What is the 'very purpose' the plates were preserved?

What is - And that the Lamanites might come to the knowledge of their fathers, and that they might know the promises of the lord


Martin Harris was told 4 things that he could do to become worthy. What were they? (D&C 5)

  1. Humble himself
  2. Acknowledge his sins
  3. Keep the commandments 
  4. Exercise faith

Ask and ye shall receive...

What is - Knock and it shall be opened to you. 


How does God respond to human mistakes?

What is - God is merciful and provides opportunities to repent and continue in His work, as shown in Joseph Smith’s experience with the lost manuscript.


What happens to people that keep the commandments?

35 And if thou art faithful in keeping my commandments, thou shalt be lifted up at the last day. Amen.


What is the Urim and Thummim?

What are - two objects of a now unknown nature, possibly used for divination, worn on the breastplate of a Jewish high priest.

Also acceptable - Things worn on breastplates by Jews


What was the reason MARTIN HARRIS wanted to see the plates?

What is - his wife, Lucy Harris, was upset that Martin was giving Joseph money and wanted proof he wasn't lying and stealing. 


What is the meaning of verse 4

What is - The lord urges us to begin doing works in faith for others, in the name of God. Through these works, we bring salvation to ourselves. 


What is the meaning of “If you will ask of me, you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you”

What is - God is eager to give answers to those who seek with real intent and faith. 


God threatens Joseph that if he doesn't obey his words then he will take away his ability to translate. What were the instructions that Joseph was given?

What is - 

30 And if this be the case, behold, I say unto thee Joseph, when thou hast translated a few more pages thou shalt stop for a season, even until I command thee again; then thou mayest translate again.

31 And except thou do this, behold, thou shalt have no more gift, and I will take away the things which I have entrusted with thee.