Who is Robin?
Batman's sidekick (if you got this wrong I'm disappointed in you)
Who is Cassandra Cain?
Batgirl! (Her parents were assassins just like Damian)
What is Batmans one rule?
He doesn't kill
Who are the three main members of the Justice League?
Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman
Who is Jon Kent?
Superboy, and now Superson, the child of superman
Was there ever a girl Robin?
Yes! The most known is Stephanie Brown the fourth robin but only for a very short time
Who is Barbara Gordon when being a vigilante?
Batgirl or Oracle!
Why did Batman become Batman?
His parents died and he wanted to make Gotham a better place
Where is wonderwoman from?
Themyscira (or that only woman place)
Who is Selina Kyle?
How many robins were there?
There were four main robins (Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, but five is also and acceptable answer)
Which Robin/sidekick goes out at day instead of night
Duke Thomas! aka Signal
Has Batman killed the joker?
Yes he has (and then he would either revive him or give him CPR so he doesn't stay dead due to the batman rule)
How does superboy exist?
He was a clone made by Lex Luthor!
What does dc stand for?
Detective Comics!!! That's why Batman is a detective
How many of the main four robins died?
Trick question! All of them (another correct answer is just Jason Todd because his death was the most impactful due to being voted to die by the fans)
Who is Damian Wayne's parents?
Bruce Wayne/Batman and Talia Al Ghul (she is the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul leader of the league of assassins)
Name of the guy who killed his parents
Joe Chill (#we hate him fr fr)
What is superman's REAL name
(hint, not Clark kent)
Is the multiverse in DC?
Of course! (It is considered a sandbox multiverse so you can just mix and match whatever you want from the main universes that were fully canon)
Richard Grayson turned into Nightwing, Jason Todd is Red Hood, and Tim Drake is Red Robin, and Damian is no longer a vigilante (Red Robin was forcefully taken away from his title of Robin so he changed to be Red Robin)
How many robins were formally adopted by Bruce Wayne/Batman?
Four! Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and Cassandra Cain
What was Bruce Wayne originally going to university/college for before dropping out to be batman
He went to a medical school to be a doctor before dropping out.
Where does the flash live?
Central City
Why is Jason Todd sort of insane? And why do his eyes glow?
Pit madness! (from when he was brought back to life when superboy punched the universe he couldn't get his memory back so Talia Al Ghul dunked him in the pit)