The month and year Joseph Smith received the gold plates
What is September 1827
D&C 6:36
What is "look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not"
This holds the keys of the ministering of angels and of the gospel of repentance and baptism
What is the Aaronic Priesthood
At least 3 christ-like attributes that are mentioned in D&C 4:5-6
What are faith, hope, charity, love, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, humility, diligence
He appeared to Joseph Smith 3 years after the First Vision
Who is Moroni
The 3 witnesses of the gold plates
Who are Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdrey, and David Whitmer
D&C 18:10-11
What is "the worth of souls is great in the sight of God"
Your joy will be great if you bring this many souls to Christ
What is at least one
The Doctrine and Covenants was originally called this
What is the Book of Commandments
The name of Joseph Smith's brother who died and the reason Joseph was concerned for his soul
Who is Alvin and what is because he hadn't been baptized
The year the Book of Mormon translation was completed
What is 1829
D&C 1:30
What is "the only true and living church"
The two students in our class who memorized JSH 1:16-17
Who are Maddox and Johnny
True or false: D&C 1 was received after the Church was organized
What is true: 1831
The year Joseph Smith was born
What is 1805
The publication of the Book of Mormon preceded this historic event in 1830
What is the organization of the Church
D&C 19:16-19
What is "I, [Jesus Christ], have suffered these things for all"
The reference for Man + Woman = Ordained of God
What is D&C 49:15-17
The name of the "unofficial" witness of the gold plates
Who is Mary Whitmer
Name 2 things we learn from the First Vision
What is God knows us by name, God speaks in our day, none of the churches are true, God and Christ have physical bodies, God and Christ are separate beings
Martin Harris mortgaged his farm for _____ dollars to print _____ copies of the Book of Mormon
What is $3000 and 5000 copies
D&C 1:37-38
What is "whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same"
The Holy Ghost speaks to our _____ and _____. Name the reference
What is mind and heart and what is D&C 8:2-3
Explain the steps for how you can share the Book of Mormon app with someone else
What is open GLA, go to the library, go to the scriptures, click "share"
Name 3 people who were scribes for Joseph Smith as he translated the Book of Mormon
Who is Emma, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery