Informational text
Literary Text
Language and Vocabulary
Reading Comprehension

The main purpose of an informational text is too...? 

What is... to inform or educate the reader about a specific topic?


What does the " Setting" refer to in a literary text? 

The setting in a literary text refers to where and when the story takes place.


"The cat's furtive movements suggested it was up to no good," what does "furtive" most likely mean?

What is "sneaky or secretive"?


DC CAPE was formerly known as what assessment

What is PARCC


What is the acronym that we use to summarize text, and what does each letter stand for?  

What is...







What are 3 different examples of informational text. 

And Article, Newspaper, textbooks, etc. 


the character who works against the protagonist in the story

what is the Antagonist


The protagonist's arduous journey through the mountains tested her physical and mental endurance. What does "arduous" mean in this context?

What is "difficult or hard"?


How Many Grades need to take the DC CAPE Science Exam


What is the purpose of a topic sentence in a paragraph?

The purpose of a topic sentence is to introduce the main idea of a paragraph.


Describe the purpose of captions and labels in informational texts.

Captions and labels in informational texts serve to provide additional information about visuals, such as images, diagrams, or charts, helping to clarify and enhance the reader's understanding.


The series of events in a story is....

What is plot? 


The author's pensive expression as she stared out the window hinted at deep thoughts and contemplation. What does "pensive" most likely mean?

What is "thoughtful or reflective"


What do you need to do in the Research Simulation Task

Read two to three informational texts and write an essay. 


Explain the significance of the climax of a narrative.

The climax of a narrative is the turning point of the story where the conflict reaches its peak.


In the article about climate change, the author uses data from multiple scientific studies to support the claim that global temperatures are rising. What type of evidence is the author using in this passage?

What is "evidence from research studies or scientific sources"?


The main conflict starts this part of the plot

What is the rising action


Despite her initial apprehension, the protagonist mustered the courage to audition for the school play. What does "apprehension" most likely mean in this sentence?  

What is "fear or anxiety about something uncertain"


How will the teacher respond to a student asking a question during the test? 

What is " Try your best" 


Explain how foreshadowing is used in literature to hint at future events in a story.

Foreshadowing is used in literature to give readers hints or clues about future events, building suspense and anticipation in the story.


 Read the following excerpt from a historical document and identify its main purpose:


"In the year 1776, a declaration was made that would change the course of history. The signatories pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to secure the independence of a new nation."

The main purpose of the historical document excerpt is to introduce the Declaration of Independence, highlighting the commitment and sacrifice made by the signatories to establish a new independent nation.


Identify the figurative language in the following sentence: "The stars danced in the night sky."

What is personification?


Despite facing myriad obstacles, the protagonist's fortitude never wavered as she pursued her dream of becoming an astronaut. What does "fortitude" most likely mean in this context?

What is "courage and strength in the face of adversity"?


When is the last day of DC CAPE testing for 7th grade? 

Thursday, May 9th 


Read the following passage and answer the questions below: 

"In the heart of the forest, a small cottage stood hidden among the trees. Its windows were dark, and the door creaked open with an eerie sound. Inside, a faint light flickered, casting shadows on the walls. A figure moved in the dimness, its eyes gleaming in the darkness." 

What is the setting of the passage?

Describe the atmosphere created in the cottage.

Who or what is the figure in the cottage, and what might they be doing? 

The setting of the passage is a small cottage hidden in the heart of the forest.

The atmosphere created in the cottage is eerie, with dark windows, creaking doors, and flickering light casting shadows.

The figure in the cottage is mysterious, with gleaming eyes in the darkness, possibly engaged in secretive or ominous activities.