This prophet and founder of the Church received many revelations, including those compiled in the Doctrine and Covenants
Who is Joseph Smith
It was at this site that Joseph Smith was directed by Moroni to find the Gold Plates
What is the Hill Cumorah
This angel visited Joseph Smith multiple times, first in 1823, to reveal the location of the gold plates
Who is Moroni
This section, known as the "Word of Wisdom," provides counsel on health, including the prohibition of alcohol, tobacco, and hot drinks, and the recommendation of wholesome foods for the body
What is Section 89
This article outlines the fundamental belief in God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost as three distinct and separate beings, forming the Godhead
What is the First Article of Faith
Named in a revelation as an “elect lady,” she was the first Relief Society president and compiled the first hymnbook
Who is Emma Smith
This city became the location of the third temple in LDS history, which took 40 years to complete, from 1853 to 1893
What is Salt Lake City, UT
This prophet appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in 1829 to confer the Aaronic Priesthood and the authority to baptize
Who is John the Baptist
This section is a revelation on the principle of eternal marriage and the practice of plural marriage
What is Section 132
This article declares the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism by immersion, the laying on of hands for the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end
What is the Fourth Article of Faith
As Joseph Smith’s scribe, he helped write the Book of Mormon, was one of the Three Witnesses, and was one of the 6 original members of the Church
Who is Oliver Cowdery
Joseph received the First Vision in this town and later translated the Book of Mormon here as well
What is Palmyra, NY
These three apostles appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in 1829 to bestow the Melchizedek Priesthood upon them
Who are Peter, James, and John
This section outlines the organization and authority of the Priesthood, including the roles of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the First Presidency, and the High Council
What is Section 107
This article declares our belief in scripture like the Bible as well as the Book of Mormon
What is the Eighth Article of Faith
An early missionary and apostle, he traveled extensively to preach the gospel and wrote influential Church literature and several hymns
Who is Parley P. Pratt
This town was the first Headquarters of the Church, as well as the location of the the first temple built by the saints in the latter days
What is Kirtland, OH
This Old Testament prophet appeared in the Kirtland Temple in 1836 to confer the keys of the sealing power, enabling the work of eternal families
Who is Elijah
This section outlines the qualifications for missionary service, emphasizing faith, hope, charity, and diligence as essential traits for those called to preach the gospel
What is Section 4
This article emphasizes the right of all people to worship God according to their own beliefs, without interference from others or the government
What is the Eleventh Article of Faith
This fiery preacher-turned-church leader helped write the "Lectures on Faith," helped with the Joseph Smith Translation of the bible, and had a vision of the three degrees of glory with Joseph Smith
Who is Sidney Rigdon
This city on the banks of the Mississippi River became a thriving gathering place for the Saints, with the second temple built before persecution forced the Saints to flee in 1846
What is Nauvoo, IL
These two ancient prophets visited Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple seperately in order to bestow blessings and keys of authority, as well as keys of the gathering of Israel
Who are Michael/Adam and Moses
This last section contains the vision of the spirit world, where President Joseph F. Smith witnessed the Savior’s visit to the righteous in the spirit world after His death, offering salvation to the dead
What is Section 138
This article expresses the belief that the gathering of Israel and the establishment of Zion, or the New Jerusalem, is a key part of God's plan for the last days
What is the Tenth Article of Faith