People, Places, Events
Doctrinal Mastery
Doctrine and Covenants
April 6, 1830
What was the date that Christ's church was restored?
Like Adam, Enoch, Noah, and Moses, this man was the head of our dispensation and given the priesthood keys to direct the Lord's work on the earth in our day
Who is Joseph Smith?
Jesus Christ’s words shall all be fulfilled, whether through His own voice or through the voice of His servants
What is D&C 1:37-38?

The Lord provided this as part of the Restoration in order to teach the principles of the gospel that had been lost and to clarify doctrines that had become corrupted

What is the Book of Mormon?

Living forever as a resurrected being
What is immortality?
May 15, 1829
What is the date the Aaronic Priesthood was restored?
The Melchizedek Priesthood was conferred upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery by these three people
Who are Peter, James, and John?
Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God
What is D&C 18:10-11?
This is what gives us the ability to be cleansed from sin, overcome physical and spiritual death, and have eternal life
What is the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
Separation from God because of sin
What is Spiritual Death?
The Spring of 1820
When was Joseph Smith's First Vision?

The person who contracted with Joseph Smith and Martin Harris to print the first 5000 copies of the Book of Mormon.

Who is E.B. Grandin of Palmyra, New York?


How great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!

D&C 18:15-16


Many of the sections of the Doctrine and Covenants were received as a response to this

What is a question asked?

A period of time when priesthood keys and authority were lost from the earth
What is the Great Apostasy?

September 21, 1823

When did the angel Moroni appear to Joseph Smith in his family's log home?

This significant event in church history teaches us that Heavenly Father knows us by name, Heavenly Father will answer our prayers if we ask Him in faith, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, are separate and distinct beings and that if we earnestly seek God’s help when Satan tries to discourage us, God can deliver us
What is Joseph Smith's First Vision?

Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.

What is D&C 6:36?

As taught by D&C 8:2-3, this is when the "Lord speaks to our minds and hearts by the power of the Holy Ghost"
What is revelation?
Exaltation, Living with God and Family Forever, or Attaining a Celestial Glory
What is Eternal Life?

September 22, 1827

When did Joseph Smith first obtained the gold plates from Moroni?

He received "peace to his mind" as a divine witness that the work of Joseph Smith was from God
Who is Oliver Cowdery?
Jesus Christ suffered for all, that we might not suffer if we would repent
What is D&C 19:16-19?

The metaphor used in sections 4, 6, 11, 12, 14, and 33 to describe how ready the world is for the great and marvelous work of the gathering of Israel.

What is the field is white, already to harvest?


The value of each soul to Heavenly Father that was determined before we ever came to earth and which is infinite and endures forever.

What is spiritual worth?