Why did the boy bring a ladder to his crush's house?
Because he wanted to "step up" his game!
This being appeared in Joseph Smith's bedroom to tell him about the plates of gold.
Who is Moroni?
The only true and living church.
What is D&C 1:30?
My worth is so great that Jesus died so that I can do this and live in heaven again.
What is repentance?
This is the religion that Joseph Smith was "partial to" or most considering joining before he prayed to know what to do.
What is the Methodist religion?
Why did the iPhone break up with the Android?
Because it couldn't handle all the "mixed signals"!!
This person was primarily responsible for the loss of the 116 pages of manuscript.
Who is Martin Harris?
Keys of the Aaronic Priesthood
What is D&C 13:1?
These are three of the things that have been restored in this last dispensation of the gospel.
What are: Christ's church, temples, baptism, truth, prophets, priesthood, the Book of Mormon, missionary work, ministering angels and visions, healings, spiritual gifts?
This older brother of Joseph died before the gospel was restored and the Smith family was told he could never live in heaven.
Who is Alvin Smith?
What did one piece of gum say to the other on Valentine's Day?
I chews you!!
This person was a teacher, boarding with the Joseph Smith Sr. family when he learned about Joseph translating an ancient record. He became the scribe that replaced Martin Harris and was also one of the 3 witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
Who is Oliver Cowdery?
Look unto Christ in every thought, doubt not, fear not.
What is D&C 6:36?
At the beginning of the year we studied the Plan of Salvation. We said that we tend to think that the diagram is the plan. It isn't. When learning how to return to our Heavenly Father, _________________ is the plan.
Who is Jesus Christ?
On this date, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was restored to the earth.
What happened on April 6, 1830?
Why did the skeleton break up before Valentine's Day?
Because he didn't have the guts to ask her out!
This man was the first bishop of the church.
Who is Edward Partridge?
Joy in bringing souls to Christ.
What is D&C 18:15-16?
One day in class we all resolved to approach this ordinance with wonder, newness, hope, purpose, conviction, joy, humility, gratitude and mindfulness.
What is the sacrament?
This famous trio restored the Melchizedek Priesthood to the earth.
Who are Peter, James and John?
What is the best pickup line for a math nerd?
Are you a 90-degree angle? Because you're looking right!!
When 4 years of waiting had passed, Joseph was told that he could finally get the plates only if he brought this person with him.
Who is Emma Smith?
By the Lord's voice or by the voice of His servants, it is the same.
What is D&C 1:37-38
In this new law, saints were asked to use their agency to give all they had to the church and then to be stewards over what they were given to meet their needs.
What is the Law of Consecration?
Joseph Smith and Emma Hale eloped and were married at the home of the justice of the peace in January 1827. True or false?