He was the head of a dispensation and given priesthood keys to direct the Lord’s work on the earth.
Who was Joseph Smith?
The only true and living Church on the earth.
What is D&C 1:30?
I will tell you in your mind and in your heart by the power of the holy ghost
What is D&C 8:2-3?
Doctrinal Mastery: God called Joseph Smith to be a prophet in the First Vision.
What is Joseph Smith - History 1:15-20?
Look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not.
What is D&C 6:36?
Only this person can receive revelation to direct the entire church.
After the death of the Savior’s original Apostles, some gospel doctrine and principles were corrupted. The Lord provided this during the Restoration to overcome these corruptions.
What is the Book of Mormon?
Jesus Christ redeemed us from two kinds of death if we would repent.
What is physical and spiritual?
John the Baptist restored this power to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
What is the Aaronic Priesthood?
Oliver Cowdery was told this is the two ways the spirit can speak to you
What is: Speak to your mind and your heart?
The location where the gold plates were buried
What is Hill Cumorah?
Name of Joseph Smith's wife
What is Emma Smith?
Peter, James and John restored this in our dispensation.
What is the Melchizedek Priesthood?
The number of pages of manuscript that were lost by Martin Harris.
What is 116?
A period of time when priesthood keys and authority were lost from the earth.
What is the Great Apostasy?
The state Hill Cumorah is located in.
What is New York?
I will tell you in your mind and your heart by the power of the holy ghost
What is D&C 8:2-3?
The three items that were with the gold plates
What are the sword of Laban, the Liahona & the Urim and Thumin ?
Whether by my own voice or by the voice of my servant it is the same.
What is D&C 1:37-38?
A school teacher who worked as scribe as Joseph translated almost all of the Book of Mormon.
Who is Oliver Cowdery?