Name that Revelation
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Revelation was received after Emma Smith expressed concerns over the tobacco stains and smoke left behind after a meeting of the School of the Prophets.

What is the Word of Wisdom? (89)


This man left the church and began publishing letters in an Ohio newspaper berating the church, which created unfriendly feelings against the church.

Who is Ezra Booth?(71)


The Lord identified this place as “the center place” of Zion

Where is Independence, Missouri (57:3).


This can pierceth all things and maketh my bones to quake.

What is the still small voice? What is the Holy Ghost’s voice? (D&C 85:6)


The 1000 year when Christ regions personally on the Earth and Satan is bound.

What is the millennial time period?


Revelation was given to the saints that they must support the poor and the needy, and donate what they had to the support of the church, including their times and talents.

What is the Law of Consecration (42)


This man asked Joseph Smith to reveal God’s will for him. Joseph didn’t know it, but he had five personal questions he was hoping the Lord would answer through His Prophet.

Who is William E. McLellin (66)


County were Joseph directed that little children are holy and saved through the atonement of Christ therefore they don’t need baptism.

Where is Wayne County, New York (74)


This was established to manage the Church’s publishing and business affairs in Ohio and Missouri. It consisted of Joseph Smith, Newel K. Whitney, and other Church leaders who combined their resources to meet the temporal needs of the growing Church. Unfortunately, it fell into debt and was dissolved in 1834 when the debts became unmanageable.

What is The United Firm? (78)


This position is the church is to be stewards over the spiritual and temporal affairs of the Lord’s Kingdom

What/Who is a Bishop? (72)


Zion will be this to the world

What is an Ensign? (64:42)


This woman and her spouse were some of the first believers in Joseph Smith’s prophetic calling. and gave vital support to the Prophet in the work of translating the Book of Mormon. As they traveled to Missourie, her health began to fade, but she was determined to see Zion before she died. She had been in Missouri only a few days when she passed away

Who was Polly Knight? (section 59)


The Prophet Joseph Smith and other leaders had a life-threatening experience on this River.

Where is the Missouri River (61)


The Doctrine and Covenants was previously going to go by this Title.

What is the Book of Commandments? (70)


Alpha and Omega

Who is God? Greek letters start with Alpha and end with Omega. 


Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon wanting to know more about heaven received this revelation.

What is “the Vision?”(76)


This man replaced Jesse Gause as a counselor to Joseph Smith in the Presidency of the High Priesthood (now called the First Presidency).

Who is Frederick G. Williams? (81)


The county where the New Jerusalem was supposed to be built.

Where is Jackson County, Missouri(57)


US president at the formation of the church?

Who is Andrew Jackson?


The Lord gave these to understand his will concerning us and to return us to our salvation.

What are commandments? (82)


Revelation states that those who keep their priesthood covenants will have their bodies renewed.

What is the Oath and the Covenant( 84)


This wealthy woman received a revelation to set aside money for her needs then consecrate the remainder to the Lord, which enabled the church to buy the land where the Kirtland Temple would be built.

Who is Vienna Jacques? (90)


City where saints are commanded to build first temple

Where is Kirtland, Ohio (88)


Year Doctrine and Covenants was first published.

What is 1835?


When you become like God and live with God, you become this

When you become like God and live with God, you become this