John the Baptists mother and father were both descendants of _____
A great and _______ work is about to come forth unto the children of men
How long did it take to print the Book of Mormon?
7 months
How many times had Joseph been baptized before John the Baptist came?
He wrote the first draft of Section 20 - the "constitution" of the church
Oliver Cowdery
Remember, the ______ is great in the sight of God
worth of souls
What prompted Joseph and Oliver to ask God about how to get authority to baptize?
Spin the Wheel
They read it in the BoM
This section was originally the second section in the Book of Commandments
Section 20
He had a vision in 1816 that the gospel would be restored and there would be a "golden Bible"
Spin the Wheel
Solomon (Sauron/Saruman) Chamberlin
And if you know that they are true, behold, I give unto you a commandment, that you rely upon the things which _________
are written
Joseph found himself unable to translate one day and could only resume after praying alone in the orchard for an hour. Why?
Got in a fight with Emma
This was NOT a theory of the origin of the BoM in Palmyra in 1830
That Joseph came up with it on his own
He left Boston to find the restored church and was prompted to stop in Palmyra. Later he left the church when his wife was accused of skimming the cream from the milk
Thomas B Marsh
For behold, I God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; But if they would not repent they must _______
suffer even as I
He removed himself from the other witnesses because he felt unworthy
Martin Harris
John the Baptist promised Joseph and Oliver of what that would happen in the future?
Peter James and John give Melchezidek Priesthood
He printed the first copies of the Book of Mormon
E.B. Grandin
A religion that does not require _____, never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation
the sacrifice of all things
This family had more witnesses to the Book of Mormon than any saved Joseph's
Spin the Wheel
Several prominent historians have put forward this novel theory to explain the persistence of the witnesses in affirming what they saw
Joseph was a hypnotist