Feed the hungry
What you should do to people who insult you.
Forgive injuries
The reign of God is theirs.
Poor in spirit
The first Pope
The gift to know that the revealed truths of God are true.
Why we should donate our clothes.
Clothe the naked
How you should handle a frustrating situation.
Bear wrongs patiently
They shall be consoled.
The current Pope
The gift of strength and power to do God's will.
What we should do for those who have nowhere to live.
Shelter the homeless
What I'm doing right now.
Teaching the ignorant
The shall inherit the land.
The lowly or the meek
Your diocese
The gift to comprehend the revealed truths of God
How we honor those who have passed away.
Bury the dead
What we should do when someone is sad.
Console the sorrowful
They shall be called the sons of God.
People will go to one of these two places at the general resurrection.
Heaven or Hell
Feeling love for a devotion to God
Why we should go to hospitals and nursing homes.
Visit the sick
We should do this when someone loses their faith.
Counsel the doubtful
They shall see God.
Pure of heart
Your bishop
David O'Connell
The gift to know how to do God's will.