Text Features
What does it mean to be careless? a. You are always careful b. You are not always careful c. You are always first in line d. You always show care to others
b. You are not always careful
If two words are synonyms, what are they?
They mean the same thing
What does theme mean?
It is the message that the story is trying to tell you
What is a mini dictionary usually found at the end of a book?
The glossary
If a person writes a nonfiction book about themselves, what is it called?
An autobiography
What does playful mean? a. Someone who just wants to be lazy all day b. Someone who plays videogames c. Someone who enjoys playing d. Someone who likes to hide
c. Someone who enjoys playing
If two words are antonyms, what are they?
They are different
To find the definition of a word, sometimes you will need to .... a. your friends answer b. draw a conclusion c. draw a picture d. use your context clues
d. use context clues
What are words written underneath a picture describing what is happening?
What genre uses animals to teach a lesson?
A fable
If something is portable, what does that mean? a. it can be moved from one place to another b. it cannot be moved c. it can jump very far d. it is dangerous
a. it can be moved from one place to another
A synonym for big would be... a. Gigantic b. Tiny c. Close d. Far
a. Gigantic
If there is a multiple meaning word, what do you need to do? a. see how it is used in the story b. pick the answer that is the most familiar c. there is only one meaning for each word
a. see how it is used in the story
What is the part of the book at the beginning that tells you what happens in each chapter and what page to turn to?
The Table of Contents
A poem does not have paragraphs, instead it it divided into....
lines and stanzas
What does it mean if it is raining? a. it rained yesterday b. it is raining now c. it will rain tomorrow d. there is no chance of rain
b. it is raining now
Come up with two antonyms for the word mad
angry, upset, etc
The boy was glad it was fall. He could begin planning what his costume would look like. He wanted to be even scarier than last year. What inferences can you make? There is more than one answer.
It will be Halloween soon, the boy enjoys scaring people, he likes scary costumes etc
If a word is important, how will it be written?
In bold, italics or underlined
When a story is usually based on a real person but the events of that person's life are exaggerated, what genre is it?
A tall tale
There was great excitement about the new Disney movie. What does excitement mean? a. Nobody was really interested b. A few people wanted to see it c. Your friends want to see it d. Everyone wants to see it
d. Everyone wants to see it
Come up with two synonyms for the word glad.
happy, cheerful etc.
We looked outside. Some of the branches on the trees had fallen and part of the fence lay flat on the ground. The chairs on the porch were now all the way on the grass. What had happened?
Strong winds, rainstorm, tornado etc
This text feature tells you dates of events organized in the order that they happened.
A timeline
What are the two main categories that a genre can be?
Fiction or nonfiction