Is it a Primary or a secondary source?
Prehistory and Early Humans
Neolithic Revolution
Who are the social Scientists?
Neolithic Vs. Paleolithic

This type of source is a first-hand account of an event, such as a diary or letter

What is a Primary Source? 


The time period before the invention of writing

What is prehistory?


What major shift in human lifestyle defines the Neolithic Revolution?

 What is the shift from hunting and gathering to farming and domestication of animals?

  1. "We’ve uncovered tools that suggest early human settlement in this area."

  2. "This pottery shard indicates that people here had advanced techniques for storing food."

  3. "By studying the remains of these structures, we can learn how these people lived."

What are 3 Things an Archaeologist Might Say?


During this era, we know they believed in a spirit world and probably even an afterlife because they buried their dead with personal possessions and left cave paintings of the animals that were sacred to them.

What is the Paleolithic Era?


A photo taken during the March on Washington in 1963 would be considered this. 

What is a Primary Source?


Every single human can trace their roots back to this continent. 

What is Africa?


How would you label this diagram? 

(1) Elements of a Civilization

(2) Features of a Nomadic Lifestyle

(3) Basic Components of the Paleolithic Age

(4) Human Life 50,000 Years Ago


"I’m studying written records to understand the development of early civilizations."

"By comparing different sources, we can understand the causes of the Neolithic Revolution."

"History helps us trace the evolution of social and political systems."

What are 3 Things a Historian Might Say?


This era had a nomadic lifestyle focused on hunting and gathering?

What is the Paleolithic Era?


These interpret or analyze events that happened in the past or primary sources

What is a secondary source?


Name one key characteristic of the Paleolithic Era.

What is a nomadic lifestyle, hunting and gathering and the use of stone tools?


Why is the Neolithic Revolution  considered a turning point in history?

Because it led to the development of civilization.   


  1. "The social rituals of this group reveal their belief system and cultural values."

  2. "I’m studying how the transition from hunting and gathering to farming changed family dynamics."

  3. "By analyzing their burial practices, we can understand their views on life and death."

What are 3 Things an Anthropologist Might Say?


This era saw the domestication of animals?

What is the Neolithic Era?


A book about the life of Abraham Lincoln written in 2020

What is a secondary source?


Another name for the Paleolithic Era

What is the Old Stone Age?


Another name for the Neolithic Era

What is the New Stone Age?

  1. "The development of agriculture led to the first surplus of goods and the rise of trade."

  2. "These early markets were based on bartering goods rather than using money."

  3. "Specialization of labor in Neolithic communities boosted productivity."

What are 3 Things an Economist Might Say?


This era used stone tools for hunting and survival

What is both the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras?


An ancient pottery piece from a Neolithic village

What is a primary source?


A person who travels from place to place in search of food 

What is a nomad?


Extra food

What is a surplus?


"The formation of villages required early forms of governance and decision-making."

"We see the first emergence of leaders who control resources and organize defense."

"The rise of complex societies led to the development of laws and hierarchies."

What are 3 Things a Political Scientist Might Say?


This era is associated with the slash-and-burn method of farming?

What is the Neolithic Era?