This four letter acronym authorizes funding levels and provides authorities for the U.S. military and other critical defense priorities.
What is NDAA?
How did Dean Martin describe the weather outside in this classic "Let It Snow" song?
What is frightful?
On June 25, 1991 the Defense Communication Agency was renamed. Name that agency's current name.
What is the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA)?
Who is Carl Porter?
What day in December does the Winter Solstice often occur?
What is the 21st?
This is what CATMS stands for.
What is Correspondence and Task Management System?
Michael Buble sings: "Sleigh bells ring, are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening? A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight." Where is he walking in?
What is a Winter Wonderland?
You can tell the age of a tree by counting it's rings. This is the number of rings within the Pentagon (proper).
What is 5 rings?
Who is Amanda Jo Villwock?
Snowflakes intricate patterns always have this many sides.
What is 6?
The "congressional watchdog” federal agency that audits and evaluates federal programs and policies, and provides reports and recommendations to Congress and the public.
What real-life department store does Miracle on 34th Street take place at?
What is Macy's?
Beginning in 1947, this Marine Corps Reserve program distributes toys every year to children whose parents cannot afford to buy them gifts. Name that program.
What is "Toys for Tots"?
Who is Jim Nelson?
This is what he gets for keeping his middle name secret.
What holiday drink is made with milk, cream, sugar, whipped eggs, and sometimes alcohol?
What is Egg Nog?
This organization hosts and maintains the website for all DoD Issuances like DoDD, DoDI, DoDM, etc. What is the acronym for that organization?
What is WHS?
Andy Williams reminded us of the joy this time of year brings with his song "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year". How "It's the most wonderful time of the year, with the kids jingle belling". He described that everyone telling you to be this.
What is "be of good cheer"?
Every morning we get Defense Morning Clips sent via email to let us know of current events. Name that professional that sends us the Defense Morning Clips.
Who is Paul (Tim) Brooks?
Who is George Lamb?
These three months are considered the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere.
What are June, July, and August?
Referenced in our annual records management training, this five-letter acronym manages the DoD security review program, reviewing written materials both for public and controlled release.
What is DOPSR (Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review)
In 1969 a living snowman named Frosty and a little girl struggle to elude a greedy magician who is trying to get what from Frosty?
What is Frosty's magic hat?
This Operation Homefront program began in 2010 and has provided holiday help for veterans by providing groceries to over 675,000 individual family members. What is the name of the program?
What is Holiday Meals for Military Families?
For more information go to -
Who is William Dunlap?
December is the twelfth month, but what does its name originally mean in Latin?
What is the tenth month?