What is this?
That's a Mimic
You shoot a level 1 skeleton with a flintlock and roll a 3 on your d4. After accounting for resistances, how much damage does the skeleton actually take?
3 damage. The flintlock has the percussive trait, meaning that it can deal bludgeoning damage instead of piercing, which skeletons do not resist.
Without going over, what is the price of a single ball bearing?
.01 copper
When did the 5h edition of D&D release?
There are a wide variety of classes and companions in Baldur's gate 3, however there are a few classes not represented in you entourage. Which classes are absent amongst all the companions in BG3?
Monk and Sorcerer
How many tool proficiencies are there in D&D5E?
What is this cute fellow?
It's an Almiraj
All of the listed are actual common backgrounds in Pathfinder 2e except for one, which I made up. Identify the fake!
Anti-Tech Activist
Crystal Healer
What is the most expensive handheld nonmagical item in D&D5e?
The spyglass, costing 1000 GP, which is as expensive as an adamantine bar!
Please match these retro D&D video games to their developers:
Baldur's Gate
Icewind Dale
Neverwinter Nights 2
Descent to Undermountain
Black Isle Studios
Baldur's Gate -> BioWare
Icewind Dale -> Black Isle Studios
Neverwinter Nights 2 -> Obsidian
Descent to Undermountain -> Interplay
Being human gives you proficiency with four weapons automatically in BG3. What are those weapons?
Pikes, Spears, Halberds, Glaives
How many gods are in the original 5E DMG?
Where is this Iconic Dungeon? (Also, what module is it from for 1/2 points) 
Cragmaw Hideout from Lost Mine of Phandelver
What is the maximum number of creatures that you can hit with a melee weapon in one turn in Pathfinder 2e?
92, with all creatures within 30 feet of your weapon being struck after it moves using the Inventor Classes Engine of Destruction feat
What is the heaviest magic item in D&D as of 2024?
The Apparatus of Kwalish at 500 pounds
What product was promised to come out with fourth edition D&D that helped balloon the price of creating the system and played a role in the failure of the addition?
Kethric Thorm was a devout worshiper and champion of three gods in his existence. Name all three of these gods and the order he worshipped them in. 50 points per correct god and an additional 50 points for the correct order.
Ships for space, air, or water are some of the most expensive items in D&D 5E. If you were to buy one of each of these vehicles, how much gold would you need?
193100 GP
Who is this infamous Night City merc who spend years rivaling Adam Smasher?
That's Morgan Backhand!
In Pathfinder there are four tiers of rarity: common, uncommon, rare, unique. Match these monsters to their appropriate rarities.
Clockwork Spy
Pickled Punk
Ancestral Echo
Clockwork Spy -> Uncommon
Pickled Punk -> Common
Ancestral Echo -> Rare
Treerazor -> Unique
Rank these level 9 spells from least to most expensive to cast:
True Resurrection: 25000 GP
Shape Change: 1500 GP
Invulnerability: 500 GP
Imprisonment: 5000 GP
Astral Projection: 1100 GP
True Resurrection: 25000 GP
Imprisonment: 5000 GP
Shape Change: 1500 GP
Astral Projection: 1100 GP
Invulnerability: 500 GP
What is the name of the roleplaying systems that acts as the inspiration for the Fallout SPECIAL system and Fallout 1 and 2s game mechanics?
All of these actions will provide you a point of inspiration when playing a criminal except for one. Which is it?
Murdering an innocent civilian
Blackmailing a flaming fist deserter
Helping the Moonrise Prisoners Escape
Stealing an Offering to the Gods
Blackmailing a flaming fist deserter will not earn you a point of inspiration
What is the best armor class that you could achieve in 1st edition D&D?
2, with plate armor and a shield
Who is this beloved fish from D&D5e
That's Sylgar, Xanathar's Fish
Gnomes in pathfinder are functionally immortal unless one condition is met. What is that condition?
They run out of the will to try and learn new things.
Please match these Theros weapons names to their weapon types:
Dekella -> Bident
Khrusor -> Spear
Akmon -> Hammer
Mastix -> Whip
There are hundreds of media properties that inspire the various tropes and options we see in D&D. Please match these AD&D game mechanics and items to the authors and books that inspired them.
Prepared Spellcasting
The Blade Barrier Spell
The CNL Alignment System
The Vorpal Sword
The Balor
Poul Anderson
Lewis Carrol
The Bible
J.R.R Tolkien
Jack Vance
Prepared Spellcasting -> Jack Vance
The Blade Barrier Spell -> The Bible
The CNL Alignment System -> Poul Anderson
The Vorpal Sword -> Lewis Carrol
The Balor -> J.R.R. Tolkien
Orin the red is one of the most dangerous fights in BG3. Please list out her stats from highest to lowest (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha).
Dex: 22
Cha: 19
Str: 18
Con: 17
Wis: 16
Int: 14