What resource do monks use to fuel their class feature?
(other classes have spell slots etc)
Ki points
what is the first channel divinity options given to all clerics (not from a subclass)
Turn undead
How many actions can a character use in one round of combat?
3 or 4
depending on if you count a free action
What stat is associated with Persuasion?
What subclass is Brother Manhattan
Way of the Drunken Master
Name one use for a monks Ki points (Multiple answers possible)
Flurry of blows
Patient defense
Step of the wind
Stunning strike
(other check wiki)
What stat do clerics use to cast their spells?
How many attack actions can a character take per tern?
1 attack action
What stat is associated with Medicine?
What are Monk subclasses referred to as? ( two possible answers)
Monastic tradition
Way of ...
What are Cleric subclasses referred to as?
Divine domain, or just domain
What is it called when you use your full action to gain more movement?
Dash action
What stat is associated with Nature?
What domain is our resident cleric Vada?
Grave domain
Name one benefit gained from the drunken master's 6th lvl tipsy sway feature (two possible answers)
Leap to your feet
Redirect attack
(Will also accept a description of one)
How many domains (subclasses) do clerics have to choose from?
14 official releases
What type of action do you need to use to receive full healing from a potion?
Full action
What stat is associated with Intimidation?
What type of sorcerer is Sariel?
Draconic Bloodline
What feature will our resident monk gain on our next level up (14)
Diamond soul
(will also accept a description)
What is the name of the feature all clerics gain at 10th level?
Divine Intervention
What level do most martial characters gain the extra attack action?
5th Level
What stat is associated with Stealth?
What is the name of our warlock Shishio's patron?