Beasts of Faerûn
Subs and Classes
Races of the Planes
What Happens?
Check or Save
Game, What is Home?

What dog like beast can teleport and comes from the feywild?

What is a Blink Dog?


What Class has an extra attack, favored foe, and foe slayer?

What is a Ranger?


What devilishly good-looking race are the result of humans with some infernal influence?

What are Tieflings?


What happens when you score a critical hit?

What is roll all damage dice twice?


When you attempt to jump across a rooftop, what ability check would you roll?

What is an Athletics Check


Early on, what almost killed your party's warlock and druid?

What is physics and a dead tree?


What creature is small, green, and before serving Maglubiyet served an archfey and still carry her boon to this day?

What is a Goblin?


Name 3 of the classes that get an extra attack?

What is a Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, or Ranger?


What race does not get a +2 to any of their scores?

What is a Human?


What happens when running through difficult terrain?

What is move at half speed?


When hit while concentrating on a spell, what do you roll to maintain concentration?

What is a Constitution Saving Throw?


Who was the first character to die in our campaign?
(Current players only)

Bonus: What killed them?

Who is Wulf?

Who is The Master?


What is the proper name of a Mind Flayer?

What is an Illithid?


What class uses their reaction and a class feature to reduce fall damage?

What is a Monk with Slow Fall?


What race can reroll a Nat 1 on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws?

What is a Halfling?


What happens when you have 6 levels of exhaustion?

What is you die?


You have been overcome by Fear and now have the frightened condition, what saving throw must you make?

What is a wisdom saving throw?


What is the name of the orphaned child we rescued from certain death?

Who is Millie?


What kind of dragon has Acid for its breath weapon attack?

What is a Black Dragon or a Copper Dragon?


What class requires an advantage on attack rolls to use one of its more powerful features?

What is a Rogue with Sneak Attack?


What race lacks any voice of their own, so must mimic what they have heard in order to communicate?

What is a Kenku?


When falling from a great height you take damage every ___ feet you fall.
Bonus: What is the damage dice?

What is 10ft?

What is 1D6 per 10ft, capping at 20d6?


When counterspelling a spell with a higher level than your counterspell, what do you roll to succeed?

What is an ability check?

Bonus: What is your spellcasting ability?


Who has been a recurring menace in our campaign?

Who is The Master


What gargantuan dinosaur like creature has over 675 health, is so powefrul that some religions feature it as a divine punishment, and their Frightful Presence causes everyone within 120 feet to need to pass a DC 17 wisdom save or become frightened?
(hint it is actually French)

What is a Tarrasque?


At 8th level what class gains the ability to move through non-magical difficult terrain at no extra cost?

What is a Ranger with Land Stride?


What is one of the races that split in a great civil war after they defeated the Illithid Dominion?

What is a Githyanki or Githzerai?


While at 0 HP, what happens when an enemy attacks you?

Bonus: Are there any additional changes?

What is automatically fail death saving throw?

What is on a critical hit, fail two death saving throws?


When hit by a fireball what type of saving throw do you make?

Bonus: What happens if you succeed? 

What is a Dex Saving Throw?

What is Half Damage?


What is Corvus's real name?

What is Kal'Thurin?