This gender is considered a higher risk for developing DDH.
What are females?
The sound that may be made if the hip joint pops out of the socket.
What is Clicking?
This helps implementing treatment plan as soon as possible for the best possible outcome.
What is early detection?
Providing this can help parents understand hip dysplasia, how it's caused, how it's treated and how it's prevented.
What is providing education on hip dysplasia?
Untreated hip dysplasia can result in this, which can be chronic.
What is pain?
This forces the baby's legs into a straight position. Being in this position can lead to hip dysplasia due to limited movement for the hips.
What is tight swaddling?
This can happen around the thighs and buttocks from the unstable hip.
What is wrinkled skin?
Doing this can prevent things like skin breakdown.
What is monitoring for complications?
These can be systemic warning signs and warrant a doctor's visit.
What is fever and redness around the hip?
This is a developmental delay such as walking or crawling.
What is limited mobility?
Having this condition can increase the chances of having hip dysplasia.
What is Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome?
This symptom can happen to young children and not generally in infants.
What is pain and stiffness?
We do this around the edges of the cast in the diaper region to protect the cast.
What is petalling.
We can teach parents these two preventative measures to help avoid hip dysplasia.
What is proper swaddling techniques and keeping the baby's hips in a natural position?
As the child grows older, they become more self-aware and may feel self-conscious about wearing braces or casts which can result in this.
What is Body Image and Self-Esteem issues?
This position in the uterus is considered a mechanical risk factor for hip dysplasia.
What is the breech position?
This can result due to leg length discrepancy.
What is an impaired gait or a limp.
Doing this helps the child maintain normal developmental milestones.
What is promoting and assisting with mobility?
Clients are at an increased risk of developing this condition later on in life.
What is osteoarthritis?
A child being aware of their inability to participate in certain activities and sports because of DDH may result in negative effects to this.
What are Psychosocial Effects?
This chromosome is linked to DDH and is responsible for limb development and skeletal growth.
What is chromosome 17q21?
Maneuver used that pops the hip out of place. A positive result can help diagnose hip dysplasia.
What is the Barlow Maneuver?
This intervention is used for children to allow them to mobilize while still keeping the hips abducted.
What is the RHINO cruiser?
We teach these to parents with a child who had surgery for hip dysplasia.
What is wound care, the expected recovery process and activity restrictions?
Because of the amount of doctor's appointments, parents may be forced to take time off work, which can result in this.
What is financial strain?