leader of Vietnamese independence movement; helps create Indochinese Communist Party
Who is Ho Chi Minh?
1965, 1st sustained bombing of N. Vietnam
What was Operation Rolling Thunder?
Began with the noticeable differences between what the Johnson Administration was saying and what people saw on T.V.
What was the Credibility Gap?
The month-long battle that began as a surprise attack and turned the tide in favor of the Viet Cong.
What was the Tet Offensive?
group of documents put together by a journalist; showed LBJ's plant to enter the war
What were the Pentagon Papers?
Country that ruled over Vietnam on two separate occasions
What is the France?
Secretary of Defense under President LBJ
Who was Robert McNamera
Government system that forced all 18-26 y/o males to register and possibly serve in the military.
What was the Draft?
This fell dramatically after the Tet Offensive
Plan for U.S. troops to withdraw from Vietnam and for the S. Vietnam troops to take over the war efforts.
What is Vietnamization?
Communist opposition group in South
Who were the Vietcong?
Using the Jungle to hide, Booby Traps, Hit-and-Run/ambush attacks
What were the Tactics of the Vietcong
Someone who strngly opposed the Vietnam War and thought that the U.S. should withdraw immediatly
What is a Dove?
Something people felt after the War was over.
What is distrust of the government?
Law passed in 1973 requiring P.O.T.U.S. to inform Congress within 48 hours of troop deployment with a 90 day maximum without Congressional approval
What was the War Powers Act?
divided Vietnam at 17th parallel; Communists get north
What were the Geneva Accords?
Napalm, Agent Orange, and Search-and-Destroy Missions
What were the Tactics of the Americans in Vietnam
Person who was in favor of sending more troops to go win the Vietnam War, thought anti war protesters were disloyal Americans
What was a Hawk
This group of men were not made to enter the Draft, even though other men their age did have to.
Who were University students in good standing?
Moderate, mainstream people whom Nixon believed were supporting his plans for the war
What is the Silent Majority?
Gave the President of the United States broad military powers in VIetnam
What was the 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution
Fighting force of the state of Vietnam (South)
What was ARVN?
Anti-war protests, burning Draft Cards
what are things Doves might do?
As the Vietnam War escalated, protests began to do this while it divided the nation.
What is intensified
Designed the Vietnam Memorial in Washington D.C.
Who was Maya Lin?