When the repair man shows up in the beginning of the movie with being called, it starts to thunder.
What is the premier occurrence of foreshadow in the movie "Pleasantville?"
The apple marks an important turning point in both stories.
what is the similar meaning behind the apple in "The Giver" and "Pleasantville?"
In both "Fahrenheit 451" and "Pleasantville", the citizens both burn books to prove their loyalty and compliance to their communities.
what is something the citizens do to prove their loyalty to the community?
Citizens experiencing/ going through something they've never experienced or gone through before causes them to turn "colored."
what is changing the citizens from black and white to "colored?"
In Pleasantville, during the town meeting the mayor says "What we have to do is separate the things that are pleasant from the things that are unpleasant."
what is an allusion to slavery?
Going beyond the community or learning about anything beyond the community is forbidden in both "The Giver" and "Pleasantville."
what is something all the citizens can't do in the community/ Don't know about?
The citizens don't rely on this job position to put out fires.
what is a fireman?
Bud makes his father realize he didn't just miss his wife's cooking/cleaning, it could be something deeper.
what is the reason Bud's father turned "colored?"