The Wraith's first name
This Killer has addon's that alter their chase music
The Legion
The name of the plant that plagues the entity's world every halloween
Visceral Cankers (pustula flowers)
The number of seconds it takes to complete a generator base.
90 seconds
The Box...
You opened it, I came, (Pinhead)
The Oni's first name
The name of the DLC pack The Blight is from
Descend Beyond
Adiris (The Plague) severed this body part off of herself as an offering to her god.
Her toe
The number of charges a First Aid Kit has
The Bing Bong Boy
The Clown's name after running away (his new name)
Jeffery Hawk
The only killer that swears in-game
The name of the cult that worships The Entity
The Black Vale
This killer's terror radius volume changes in the form of a bell curve.
The Trickster
The Basement
Insidious Bubba (Basement Bubba)
The Dregde's name (what the ottomarian's believed it was)
The Druanee
This easter egg can be found on almost every map in the game.
The golden toolbox's
The name of the music compamy Yun-Jin works for
Mightee One Entertainment
The number of maps that have Interactive Generators
(gens that have affects on the map)
Leaves after 7 minutes
The names of the members of the Guardia Compaignia, (all 4 of them)
Alejandro Santiago,
Durkos Malecek,
Sander Roult,
Tarhos Kovacs
The number of realms (maps) in the game
note: counting realms not individual maps.
example: sanctum of wrath and yamaoka estate are 1 realm.
18 (19 if your counting Hawkins)
The name of the prison that The Deathslinger was sent to.
Hellshire Penitentiary
The number of Status effects in the game, both positive and negative.
The Pinball Boy
The Blight