____ is the fourth most common language in the world
Sign Language
If someone signs "SHHH" it means this in English.
"Nobody Said!"
"I have no comment!"
____ University is the only university where all programs are catered towards deaf learning.
Gallaudet University
True or False?
Deaf individuals use braille.
While a common mix-up, braille is for those who are blind, not those who cannot hear.
This composer was deaf.
While watching another person sign, it is appropriate to focus on the signers:
A. Fingers
B. Hands
C. Shoulders
D. Face
D. Face - You will wear yourself out watching the hands!!
If a deaf person tells you that you "missed the train" or "the train is gone," what are they actually expressing?
That you missed the point of something. You didn't understand, and they won't be repeating it.
This school is the oldest permanent school for the deaf.
American School for the Deaf
If most Deaf people have hearing parents, how is ASL passed down from generation to generation?
Primarily through residential Deaf schools, but those Deaf people with Deaf parents are the primary source of continuity of ASL.
True or False?
Every deaf individual uses sign language.
Some may use hearing aids and speech therapy enabling them to communicate without the need for sign language.
True or False?
American Sign Language is the same as English only signed.
Sign language it's own language with its own sentence structure and grammar rules!
"Champ" is another word for this in ASL.
"The best" or "The Top"
The American School for the Deaf is located in which city or state?
Hartford, Connecticut
What is a VP? What does it have to do with VRS?
VP: Video Phone
VRS: Video Relay Service - which provides ASL interpreters for phone calls between a Deaf person with a VP and a hearing person with a regular phone. VRS services are open 24/7.
This sports tradition was invented by Deaf players and was quickly adopted by hearing teams.
The football huddle.
In order to not be seen signing to his teammates, they would all huddle and block viewers from seeing his hands.
Historically, ASL is related to which sign language system?
A. British Sign Language
B. Swedish Sign Language
C. French Sign Language
D. German Sign Language
C. French Sign Language - Thanks to Laurent Clerc and Abbe de l'Epee
If a Deaf individual kisses their fist and points at you, what could they be saying to you?
"Love it"
"You're Funny"
What percentage of deaf people complete some college?
When did it become a requirement to provide closed captioning for TV shows?
The Television Decoder Circuitry Act in 1990 started the mandate.
Since 2006, all new English-language television programming must be closed captioned.
Since 2012, online businesses must make its online streaming content accessible.
What is a CDI and when do you need one?
Certified Deaf Interpreter should be used if the Deaf clients:
■ use non-standard signs or gestures which are unique to a family or situation
■ use a foreign sign language
■ have minimal or limited communication skills
■ are deaf-blind or deaf with limited vision
■ use signs particular to a given region, ethnic or age group
In the 19th century, because the high percentage of Deaf residence, it was necessary to know Sign Language in this place.
Martha's Vineyard Island
258 is slang for this in sign language.
"Very Interesting"
The hand shapes for "very" looks similar to the hand shape for "2" and the hand from "5" to "8" looks like the word "Interesting".
How many residential Deaf schools are there in the US?
Nebraska, New Hampshire and Nevada do have residential schools
When was the first TV show closed captioned?
1972 - The French Chef with Julia Child
True or False
Anyone can be a part of Deaf Culture
As long as you have some connection to deafness or sign language, you'll be welcome into the community. This includes parents of deaf children, children of deaf parents, interpreters, etc!