French Revolution
Deaf Community in Paris
People involved
Establishing PDI
Abbe de l'Epee & Rev.

In 1792 who took his students to sign the “Declaration of the Rights of Man?”



What 4 factors help define a cultural identity?

Using language, rituals, stories, group activities.


What are 2 out of 3 goals that Prieur de la Marne had for his deaf students?

He wanted the students to be able to communicate with the larger community, understand religious beliefs, and become knowledgeable about their constitution 

Quartararo-Constructing a Deaf Revolutionary France, pg 42


How long did it take the National Assembly to support Sicard after he became Epees successor?

15 months 

pg.42 online reading


Other than an education, what did deaf individuals gain from attending the Paris Deaf Institute?

New reality for deaf culture based on common language, or a group identity 

“Deaf Identity and Social Images in nineteenth Century France” Pg. 36


Fill in the blanks: During the Revolution special educational institutions were created because it would improve _______& ________ opportunities for deaf children.

 social & economical


In the Paris Deaf Institute, what were 3 of their responsibilities/chores?

Make beds, sweep, wash their hands and face, dressing before breakfast and comb their hair.

“The Concept of a Deaf Community at the Paris Deaf Institute” pg.45


What was Massieu proof of?

That deaf people could achieve mastery of concepts and facts. 

Quartararo-Constructing a Deaf Revolutionary France, pg 42


Sicard would give his students drawings and written words of different objects. What would the students give to him in return?

The corresponding natural sign. 

Pg.39 online reading


What was Abbe de l’Epee's nickname?

“Father of the Deaf”


What was the name of the group of radical thinkers that took over the French Government?

The National Convention

Quartararo-Constructing a Deaf Revolutionary France, pg 43


What were 2 of the consequences of not following Institute rules?

less wine at meals, rationing of bread and water, confinement, or dismissal from school. 

“The Concept of a Deaf Community at the Paris Deaf Institute” pg.45


What skills were the deaf students taught at the Paris Deaf Institute, other than the fundamental skills such as reading and communication?

 They were taught practical skills about working in workshops or gardens. This would lead to the schools becoming self sufficient. 

Quartararo-Constructing a Deaf Revolutionary France, pg 42


What was Sicards one true advantage?

Jean Massieu

 pg.40 online reading


What did Abbe de l’Epee believe was the way to bring deaf children out of isolation?


“Deaf Identity and Social Images in the nineteenth Century France” pg.37


True or false:The French Revolution began with a monarchy as the ruling government, and ended with an oligarchy. 

False. The French Revolution started and ended with a monarchy. 


What year did the government set aside travel money to subsidize families that had kids attending the Paris Deaf Institute?


“The Concept of a Deaf Community at the Paris Deaf Institute” pg.46


True or False: In October 1973, Sicard was arrested for counterrevolutionary activity.

True- he was later released 

Quartararo-Constructing a Deaf Revolutionary France, pg 43


One of the problems that concerned Legislators was what?

Sicard had no treasurer. 

Pg.41 online reading.


What were 3 of Abbe de l’Eppe careers throughout his life? 

Priest, lawyer, teacher

-  “Deaf Identity and Social Images in nineteenth Century France” Pg.37


Fun question!!!

What popular movie/musical took place during the French Revolution?

Les Miserables 


Why were students considered bilingual? What two signs were used?

Students used two different methods of signing. Methodical sign and natural signs to communicate. 

“The Concept of a Deaf Community at the Paris Deaf Institute” Pg.47


True or false: The National Convention thought that it would be best for deaf and blind people to be educated together in order to save money.

False: the National Convention separated education for deaf and blind individuals

Quartararo-Constructing a Deaf Revolutionary France, pg 44


When Sicard fled from Paris what was the topic of ONE of the books he wrote? (he wrote 2)

One about general grammar and one about how he trained Massieu. 

pg.27 WTMH


Who did Abbe de l'Epee meet that caused his views of sign language change? 

Twin deaf sisters

 - “Deaf Identity and Social Images in nineteenth Century France” Pg.37