Deaf History
Is it rude
What should you do
About Autumn, Chloe, Gibby, and Weese
About Autumn, Chloe, Gibby, and Weese

What is Galludet University?

What is the first School for the Deaf?


Is it rude to walk through a signing conversation?



What should you do while at a Deaf coffee?

What is sign your very best, they will help you learn more and so will we.


Where is Autumn going to college?

What is Arkansas?


What does Autumn spend the most money on?

What is Concert tickets or thrifted clothes?


who lived next to Galludet and is the reason for the School of the Deaf existing?

What is alice cogswell?


Is it rude to stop and stare at a conversation between two people signing.

what is Yes? It is rude to evesdrop just like any conversation.


While learning sign and knowing some, you go out and encounter a Deaf individual, what should you do?

What is you should try your very best to communicate through sign, the Deaf community loves when people are learning their language. 


When is Weese's birthday?

What is Feb 9th?


What does Chloe want to be when she grows up?

What is a pharmacist?


Where in the US was there a high population of genetic Deafness?

What is Marthas Vinyard?


Is it rude to call someone who is in the Deaf Community hearing impared?

What is Yes?


You are out to eat with your Deaf friend and the waiter comes up what should you do?

What is let them order for themsleves however they feel comfortable?


What type of dog does Chloe want?

What is a Dachshund?


What type of car does gibby have?

What is a toaster aka Kia Soul?


What sign languages is ASL mixed of (get 2/3)?

What is French sign language, Home signs, and Marthas Vineyard signs?


Is it rude to give yourself a sign name?

What is NO?


when you go out with friends and and your Deaf friend, your hearing friends make a joke and everone laughs and your Deaf friend asks "what's funny". How do you respond?

What is Sign what your friends said in that current moment?


What type of imaginary animal friend did weese have?

What is an Ostrich?


What was Weese's job before an ASL teacher?

What is a Kindergarden Teacher?


What was the reason for DPN?

What is Galludet University hired a hearing president instead of a Deaf one? 


Is it rude to talk to a Deaf person instead of sign?

What is no, its not rude. Deaf people do not expect everyone to know sign however it is rude if you are being a jerk about having to talk to them. 


What should you do when you see a Deaf person struggling to communicate?

What is always ask first if they need help never just assume they do?


What animal is gibby terified of? (Hint: its a type of bird)

what is an Ostrich?


What type of Dance did Weese do?

What is tap dancing?