Positive Feelings
Coping Skills
Negative Feelings
Stinking Thinking or Sunshine Thinking

Show me what a calm body looks like.

relaxed body, relaxed/happy face 


Show me what snake breath looks like.

breathe in through the nose, hiss out through the mouth


What might you feel if you are about to go to a new school and do not know anyone?

Scared, nervous, worried, unsure

Is a consequence what happens are a choice you made, or before your choice?



Give me a sunshine thought for: You go to school and find out your best friend is not in your class anymore, they are in the other class. 

"It's ok, I can still see them at recess or in the hallway."

"Maybe I will make some new friends in this class."


What feeling word means you can't wait for something fun that is going to happen later?



Name 2 things you can do to calm down when you are angry or mad.

snake breath, walk away, count, spot hand trick, watch tv, take a break or walk


True or not true: It is OK to be mad. It is not OK to hurt others or break things when I am mad.

True! Mad is just a feeling and is normal. What we do when we are mad is sometimes not OK like breaking things, hurting others, or being mean.


What is the consequence of breaking your toy when you were angry?

The toy doesn't work anymore and is broken.


"This is the worst day ever. It is never going to get better!"

Stinking thinking 


Name 3 things that make you feel happy.



Name 2 feelings you do not like to feel.

scared, mad, sad, unahppy, nervous


Name another word for mad. 

Angry, annoyed, frustrated, upset


What happens when you are nice to others?

They like you and want to be your friend and play with you.


How does this stinking thinking make you feel: 

"I hate my teacher! She is so unfair and mean!"

mad, angry


When people are happy do they usually use nice words or mean words with others?

Nice words

When would you use snake breath?

when angry, mad, frustrated, nervous, sad, scared, too wiggly


True or not true: Fear/Scared happens when we see a bear to protect us from the danger a bear can do to us. Fear makes us run instead of hug a bear. 

True! Fear's job is to protect you from danger!


What might happen after you study for a test?

You will probably do well!


"I wanted to play with that toy, but I can let someone else use it. I can play with something else for a little bit."

Sunshine thinking 


Name 1 thing that makes you feel silly or goofy.



True or not true: Once you are mad, there is nothing you can do to calm down.

Not true! You can use coping skills!


What is something you can do when you are feeling bored?

play a game, call a friend, color, watch TV, play on phone, clean, ask adult what to do, draw write, read 


What might happen if you hit someone?

They will get hurt, you will get suspended or in trouble. They might hit you back and hurt you.

Bring some sunshine to this stinky thought: 

"My whole paper is ruined because I made a small mistake. Now I have to start ALLLLL over!!!"

"It is not a big deal. I make mistakes just like everyone"

"A small mistake does not mean I need to throw out my whole paper"

"I can probably try to erase it or color over it to hide the mistake."