AP English
The Finish Line
Unfair Questions only Deanna would know
Red White & Blue
The Periodic Table
Honey I'm Pregnant
I need a CPA

These American styled terracotta figurines are used to sprout chia, where the chia sprouts grow within a couple of weeks to resemble the animal's fur or hair.

What is a chia pet?


This lawyer defends a black man in Harper Lee's Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel of 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird. 

Who is Atticus Finch?


This is a term used to describe a state of euphoria, thought of by some as the release of endorphins brought about by running.

What is runner's high?


This is Deanna's favorite color. 

[Ask Deanna]


The U.S. Constitution established these three separate but equal branches of government.

What is the legislative branch (makes the law), the executive branch (enforces the law), and the judicial branch (interprets the law)?


This is the chemical symbol for Copper.

What is Cu? 


While there is no scientific evidence for this, these birds have been claimed to deliver babies to families.

What is a stork?


This term means any resource owned or controlled by a business that can be used to produce positive economic value.

What is an asset?


This bug was a computer flaw that was feared to cause disastrous problems when dealing with dates beyond December 31, 1999. 

What is Y2K?


Most famous for his appearance as the lead character and narrator of the 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, this protagonist has become an icon for teenage rebellion and angst.

Who is Holden Caulfield? 


This term denotes your body’s maximum capacity to transport and use oxygen while exercising. The higher your fitness level, the higher this is.

What is VO2 Max?


This was the first time Deanna looked at Raymond and knew in her heart, he was going to be her husband.

How would I know? [Ask Raymond or Deanna]


This former U.S. Marine veteran assassinated President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 using a sniper rifle. 

Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?


These inert gases tend to not to react with other chemical substances due to their electron configuration: their outer shell of valence electrons is "full".

What are noble gases?


This colloquial term is used to describe when the amniotic sac ruptures at the beginning of or during labor.

What is water breaking? 


Founded by Kenneth Lay, this American energy and commodities company based in Houston, Texas filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and has become synonymous with corporate fraud and corruption.

What is Enron?


In Disney's High School Musical, Zac Efron plays this high school basketball captain who auditions for his school's musical.

Who is Troy Bolton?


This Ray Bradbury book details a dystopian future where firemen burn books and the houses that hide them.

What is Fahrenheit 451?

This acid in the body occurs in the muscles when glucose is not broken down completely and builds up after a hard workout, causing fatigue.

What is Lactic Acid?


Gazing into the night sky after everyone had fallen asleep, Deanna oftentimes asked herself this important philosophical question.

How would I know? [Ask Deanna]


Abbreviated USSF, this service branch of the United States Armed Forces deals with spacecraft and extra-terrestrial engagement.  

What is Space Force? 


Colloquially used as a term for improvisational problem solving, this character refuses to carry a gun and instead uses a Swiss Army knife and his deep scientific knowledge.

What/Who is Macgyver?


In this animated film, the plot follows a boy helping his baby brother who is a secret agent in the war for adults' love between babies and puppies.

What is Boss Baby?


In this 2006 movie The Accountant, this actor plays the main protagonist Christian Wolff, a math savant who freelances as a CPA. 

Who is Ben Affleck?


Marketed by Microsoft from November 2006 until it was discontinued in June 2012, this portable media player was a competitor to the iPod. 

What is the Zune?


This 1954 novel by British author William Golding tells the story of a British boys who are stranded on an island and their disastrous attempts to govern themselves.

What is Lord of The Flies?


These exercises comprise of explosive, high-intensity movements that include box jumps, lunge jumps, and tuck jumps.

What is Plyometrics?


Looking at Raymond and shaking her head with a smile, Deanna was amused by this quirky characteristic of her husband's. 

How would I know? [Ask Deanna or Raymond]


This term is the official designated call sign for the Boeing aircraft carrying the President of the United States.

What is Air Force One?


In Back to the Future, Emmett “Doc” Brown builds a flux capacitor to time travel in this car.

What is a Delorean?


In ABC's Modern Family, this adopted baby's parents are flamboyant couple Mitch and Cam.

Who is Lily?


This prominent Redditor incited an infamous retail investor surge in GameStop stock, causing an almost 700 percent increase.

Who is Roaring Kitty?


The ancient Mayan calendar predicted that this year would bring an apocalyptic end to the Earth.

What is 2012?


In this 1993 dystopian novel, 12 year old Jonas is selected to be the Receiver of Memory.

What is The Giver?


This Disney film stars Kevin Costner as a school coach who leads the 1987 cross country team of a predominantly Latino high school to win a state championship.

What is McFarland USA?


After watching a superhero movie, Deanna would chuckle to herself fantasizing about having this specific superpower while brushing her teeth. 

How would I know? [Ask Deanna]


Nicknamed “The Last Frontier”, this is the largest state in America.

What is Alaska?


This chemical bond that involves the sharing of electrons to form electron pairs between atoms.

What is a covalent bond?


This baby's mother defies the Pharaoh's order to kill Hebrew boys and hides her son by placing him in a basket on the Nile.

Who is Moses?


This San Jose born investor spotted the subprime mortgage crisis well before his contemporaries and was played by Christian Bale in The Big Short.

Who is Michael Burry?


Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were the main perpetrators behind this infamous school shooting.

What was the Columbine High School shooting?


This 1994 American film tells the story of banker Andy Dufresne who is wrongfully sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife.

What is the Shawshank Redemption?


Established in 1897, this marathon is the world’s oldest annual marathon, and is done every third Monday of April on Patriot’s Day.

What is the Boston Marathon?


Oh no, she didn't! This is Deanna's go-to catch phrase when some girl insults or offends her. 

[Ask Deanna]


George Washington famously sailed across this river to lead a surprise attack on Hessian troops.

What is the Delaware River?


This phenomenon occurs in certain organisms such as jellyfish, plankton, and deep-sea fish, where they produce and emit light through a specialized chemical reaction.

What is bioluminescence?


This nickname was given to Natalie Suleman, who was implanted with 12 embryos by Dr. Michael Kamrava in 2009.

Who is Octomom?


This monetary policy action is when a central bank purchases predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to stimulate economic activity.

What is quantitative easing?