The team that handles scheduling of TNRB W408/410
Scheduling & Facilities Team
The student employee that creates the shift schedules for student employees
Darcie Hone
This student got engaged with a FedEx plane
Caleb Alton
This staff member was on the student council in both high school and college.
Tara Ward
This Dean loves Harry Potter & Jane Austen
Dean Madrian
The team that fulfills Shopify orders
The Events Team
The student employee that creates birthday cards for those in the office
Christina Barton
This student employee played the tenor saxophone from 6th grade to 12th grade
Kyle Campbell
This staff member loves the game "Secret Hitler" and can play for hours
Amber Welton
This Dean has grown up in Utah their entire life and has never been skiing or snowboarding
Sara Hubbs
The team that executes Amazon ordering
The Finance Team
The staff member that is the advisor of the Marriott Inclusion in Business Society
Staci Carroll
This student employee broke their collarbone while hammocking
Anika Loar
This staff member is the aunt of 30 total nieces and nephews
Nicole Kooistra
This Dean broke their nose after four snowboards hit them in the face while they were sleeping
John Bingham
The team that checks out Ravioli and the Marriott Chariot
The Front Desk Team
The staff member that handles Brigitte's schedule
JaLee Clarke
This student was the class president of their high school all four years
Emilie Barlow
This staff member was hired for their first full-time legal secretary job by working for free for two weeks.
They didn't have an opening, but this staff member said that she could add value. They agreed!
JaLee Clarke
This Dean was a multi-sport intramural champion in wallyball and ultimate frisbee
Eric Teel
The team that coordinates travel for Dean Madrian
NAC Team
The faculty member that is leading the Latin America Business Study Abroad in Summer 2023
John Bingham
This student employee has a goldfish named Jet that is 5 years old
Rylee Hopkins
This staff member is the oldest daughter of an oldest daughter of an oldest daughter
Laura Muhlestein
This Dean is a member of the Triple 9 Society
(99.9 percentile of IQ)
Bonnie Anderson