Characters/who said this...

This person shows up at Justyce's dorm the day after Blake's birthday party to offer advice.

Who is Doc?


Where did Jared and Justyce meet at the end of the book? 

Manny's grave


The closest meaning to the word, 'clandestine' as used in the novel: "As he squeezed in beside her and felt her whole left side pressed against his right, he had to take a clandestine deep breath—she smelled like fruit and flowers—and force himself to focus."

Could it be:

a) Intense

b) Sneaky

c) Fragrant

d) Enjoyable

What is intense?


List the correct sequence of events: Black Jihad punches Blake, Boys in Costume, Bros Leave Party

Boys in Costume, Black Jihad punches Blake, Bros Leave Party


The watch symbolizes this for both the Rivers' and Justyce.

- Justyce is like a son to the Rivers'

- Manny will always be with them

- The Rivers' trust Justyce with their most prized possession

Manny hates playing this, so he decides to quit.

What is Basketball?


A fire was deliberately set at this person's home.

Who is Garrett Tison?


"By the time they get to the superpredator stuff, all three judges are rapt." Which of the following words is closest in meaning to 'rapt' in this context?

a) Ecstatic

b) Fascinated

c) Staring intently

d) Determined

What is fascinated?


List the correct sequence: Melo on ground, Justyce leaves Manny, Racial Profiling

Justyce leaves Manny, Melo on ground, Racial profiling


What we learn about Justyce's father, and how this affects him throughout the story.

- Justyce's father died when he was 11-- car accident

- Had PTSD and was an alcoholic

- Abusive towards Justyce's mother

- Justyce is afraid that he might have these "rages" like his father did.

- Last person he wants to be like, is his dad


"He took a spot I didn't get because Yale has to fill a quota - " 



One of the reasons that Mr. and Mrs. Rivers invites Justyce over for dinner.

They wanted to give Justyce a vintage watch that was to be passed down to their son, Manny.


Mr. Rivers says, “a good majority of my subordinates resent having to answer to a black man.” One of the following words would NOT be a good substitute for ‘subordinates’ in this sentence.

a) Juniors

b) Employees

c) Direct Reports

d) Superiors

What is Supervisors?


List in order: death of Jordan Davis, death of George Floyd, death of Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, George Floyd


Justyce's girlfriend when the book starts.

Who is Melo?


The meaning behind Mr. Rivers saying, "Kill'em with kindness."

Fight the prejudices of people with peace rather than violence. What would MLK do?​​​​

What stereotype costumes did the bros wear on Halloween?

KKK Klansman, thug, preppy, red neck


Justyce visits Quan at the Fulton Regional Youth Detention Center, and Quan makes it clear that he 'allegedly' shot Castillo. "Allegedly" in this context means...

a) Quan is guilty

b) There really is no proof that Quan shot Castillo

c) Quan is awaiting trial

d) There is enough proof that Quan shot Castillo

There is really no proof that Quan shot Castillo.


List in order: Grand Jury, Arrest, Indictment

Arrest, Grand Jury, Indictment


The person "Martin" is referring to in Dear Martin.

Who is Martin Luther King Jr. 


"Turn on the news, another black man slain. They say "It's okay. Save your voice, don't complain."

Deuce Diggs


The topic that SJ and Justyce decide on for their State Debate Tournament.

What is Racial Profiling?

Jared is described as being “on a crusade to prove things in America are equal.” In this context, the word closest in meaning to ‘crusade’ as used in that sentence is...

a) Achievement 

b) Mission

c) Argument 

d) Debate

What is a mission?


List in order: Quan Banks arrested, Manny killed, Castillo killed

Castillo killed, Quan Banks arrested, Manny killed


The name of the officer that arrests Justyce at the beginning of the novel. 

Who is Castillo?