What is the ES phone number?
Providence Center training for basic de-escalation skills
What is CPI?
Fills out certification
What is a QMHP?
Bomb Threat
What is code green?
Point of contact for workplace violence flags
Who is Donna Bags?
What is the North Main Street security number?
Gestures and body language
What is nonverbal communication?
Person interacting with the client
What is a De-Escalator?
Chair of TPC Safety Committee
Who is Jillian Roy?
What is the Providence Police Dispatch number?
Fidgeting, pacing, rapid speech, irritability
What are early signs of escalation?
Person dispersing unnecessary bystanders
What is crowd control?
What is code red?
Original use of TPC 4th floor in the 1970-1990's
What is the Rusty Scupper?
What is the ES direct line?
Quickly establishing effective communication
What is rapport building?
Person taking notes
What is a scribe?
Hazardous materials
What is code orange?
DEAT member who has had their QMHP the longest
Who is Lawrence Miller?
What is the TPC intake line?
3 CPI Trainers at TPC
Who are Stephanie Costa? Gabriela Garza? David Whitty?
What is a support lead?
What is the overhead page extension?
Ranger Cordell Walker
What is Chuck Norris' role in Walker, Texas Ranger?