50 / 20 x 8000
you are telling a story. you are trying to determine the answer to the math wrath wraith in the story is asking 123 x 321. what do you answer him with?
5.87 / 9.0087
where is a cow's favorite place to go?
the mooovies
knock knock! who's there? charlie! charlie who?
charlie horse
900 / 100 - 100
you are playing a video game in math class. ms. Molyneux asks you what the answer is because you weren't paying attention. she asks: what is 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.5?
8.80 / 678.12
what do you call a carnival run by serial killers
a cutthroat carnival
knock knock! who's there? Molyneux! Molyneux who?
Molyneux the super duper epic ultra impossible crybaby
8000 / 8000 / 8000
some mean man is bullying you. he says he will stop if you solve his impossible math wrath question. what is 50 / 80.60?
mommy!!! this man won't give me my toy back unless I solve his math problem 678.97 / 1000000. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!
why were the Cheerios afraid of the little boy
he was a cereal killer
knock knock! who's there? pull. pull who?
pull your dirty panties back up
123456789 x 987654321
1. 219326311 x 10
some dude with 0 rizz says he has rizz. but the only way to have rizz is to do well in math wrath class. what is 23456785 / 8000?
50.9878901 x 5000.97
what do you call a cow who is scared of farmers
a cow-ard
knock knock! who's there? jeff. Jeff who?
jeff the killer
111 x 111 x 111 x 111 x 111 x 111
1. 810414552 x 10
who wants 500 free points?! too bad! what is 900 / 8.5?
guess the math for muffins!!! 80.23 x 811
what do you call a duck who works at a hospital
a ducktor
knock knock! who's there? uno. uno who?
uno reverse card