How many debaters speak in one round of debate?
6 (3 speakers on Prop, 3 speakers on Opp)
Whose job is it to offer the definition/explanation of the motion?
First speaker of Prop
How long are debate speeches in the QPSDL?
6 minutes for substantives, 4 minutes for reply
The topic or the subject that both teams will debate about
Will you lose points for not introducing yourself at the start of your speech?
What is the second Opposition speaker called?
Deputy Leader of Opposition
How long is a POI?
15 seconds or less
Who is allowed to give the Opposition Reply?
Either the first or second speaker of Opposition
What does THP stand for?
This House Prefers
What should you do if someone asks you a POI but you do not want to accept it?
Decline the POI
What are third speakers called in debate?
What is a policy/model?
A plan of action describing what your side wants to do and how it will be done.
What is a POI?
Point of Information - a short question or statement offered by the opposing team to the speaker
What is a value judgement motion?
A motion that does NOT require a policy because there is no change being implemented
True or False: if I save all my best responses for later, I will win, because the other side won't be able to rebut.
False, the judge can penalise you for lack of engagement
Which Reply speaker goes first in the debate?
Opposition Reply
Can you give NEW responses/rebuttals in third speaker's speech?
Rounds where the losing teams do not get to continue to the next round
Is THBT dogs are animals a possible motion for debate? Why (or why not)?
No, because it is an objective statement
Why shouldn't you use ChatGPT for a debate speech?
because you won't learn how to think
What are the different names for the team supporting the motion?
Proposition, Government, Affirmative
Which speakers are allowed to use clashes/issues in their speech?
ALL of them
What is the rule where there are only 2 debaters in a team so 1 of them needs to make 2 substantive speeches?
Iron Man / Iron Person
What is the difference between THW Ban Junkfood versus THBT Junkfood does more harm than good?
Logical Fallacy: What is it called when someone argues that because everyone who doesn't floss eventually dies, not flossing will kill you?
Correlation, not causation