Famous Debators
Famous Debates
Popular Debate Topics
Debate Terminology
This comedian performed on Saturday Night Live and starred in movies like Jack and Jill, the Wedding Singer, and Waterboy, among others competed in forensics.
Who is Adam Sandler?
These were the first face to face presidential debates and were the most famous. They took place in 1858.
What are the Lincoln/Douglas debates?
This career uses debate skills to help you teach others.
What is a teacher?
This is a resolution that involves determining whether students should wear these or regular clothes.
What are school uniforms?
A formal argument in which a person or a team share research and constructive points from two points of view in an organized manner.
What is a debate?
This person claimed that there was "no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe" in his 1976 debate with Jimmy Carter.
Who is Gerald Ford?
John F. Kennedy and this person met to for the first televised presidential debate in 1960.
Who is Richard Nixon?
This career applies research and debate skills to defend people in a court of law.
What is a lawyer?
This resolution involves discussing issues about controlling these items to reduce unnecessary violence in schools or in the community.
What is gun control?
This is the Pro-resolution. A team that tries to secure the acceptance of a resolution.
What is the Affirmative side?
This candidate was chastised by his opponent for comparing himself to John F. Kennedy?
Who is Dan Quayle?
In the 1988 presidential debates this person shared controversial views about the death penalty when he responded with a series of reasons why he opposed the death penalty after being asked a "What if" personal question about his wife, Kitty Dukakis, helping his opponent, George Bush to win the election due to his responses.
Who is Michael Dukakis?
This career applies debate skills to help you make decisions that will save people's lives.
What is a doctor?
This resolution involves discussing the medical coverages of people in the US?
What is the Healthcare Debate?
A team that hopes to secure the refusal of a proposed resolution.
What is the Negative side?
This person is consider one of the greatest debators in history. His 1858 series of seven debates with Democratic Party candidate Senator Stephen Douglas were considered the first debates and dealt with the issue of slavery.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
This debate occurred in 1992 and was the first time candidates squared off in a town hall-style debate format. It involved a Democrat, a Republican and an Independent candidate.
What is the George Bush, Bill Clinton and Ross Perot Presidential Debate?
This career applies debate skills to help you represent the views of others and apply laws, principles, and decision making processes that involve a local, state or federal area within a government office.
What is a politician?
This resolution has surfaced recently in the growing number of concussions when playing sports that involve face-to-face contact sports.
What is "Should we ban contact sports in schools"?
The statement that is provided and defended or refuted during a debate.
What is the resolution?
This person led his collegiate debate team and even worked as a debate coach at Sam Houston High School — in 1931 before getting into politics and becoming a president of the United States.
Who is Lyndon B Johnson?
In the first 1980 general election, Jimmy Carter was opposed to Independent John Anderson running for candidacy, so he didn't show up, leaving this person to debate Anderson.
Who is Ronald Reagan?
This career applies research and debate skills to make executive decisions for a school district.
What is a Superintendent?
These are topics that politicians debate to address current national, state and local issues during an election period.
What are Presidential debate topics?
The presentation of evidence and reasoning that is meant to weaken or refute an opponent's claim during a debate.
What is a rebuttal?