Let's go to the fashion capital of the world, if we're lucky we can stop by the Louvre too
If you come across a bear in the woods (better than a man? (ifykyk)), run if it starts making this noise, a common sign of warning or aggression
How you might refer to a woman, in the third person
She, Asher
Need cash? Use one of these machines to make a withdrawal, just don't let tim see your pin
Automated Teller Machine
The First person to walk on the moon
Let's go to this Asian capital city that sounds like a spiritual part of the human body
All of us will be making this sound on the ride back from Dayton, to be fair, we'll be tired after a long day of debate.
The body part lowest on your face, apparently its formed by the apex of the lower jaw
Chin, Sachin
I don't know where Dayton is, fortunately, Timmy is using this for directions; it draws its info from satellites!
Global Positioning System
The first African American to play Major League Baseball
Jackie Robinson
Let's go to this domestic city, its on the west coast, but seems unlikely we'll see the spiritual beings for which its namesaked.
Los Angeles
Someone may practice something to this unspecified "degree", meaning they did that thing alot!
This part of the grocery store is where you can pick between a variety of cooked meats and cheeses
Deli, Madeline
If you're interested in space, getting a job at this long-time "administration" is your best bet
National Aeronautics Space Administration
The creator of the first social network to reach 1 Billion users
Mark Zuckerberg
Let's go to this rhyming city, I can get my fill of finance since its a global business hub
Hong Kong
What you might tell the other team during cross ex when they are talking over you. Tim would likely advise more civility
You better hope these winged insects aren't hiding in your closet, they'll put holes in all your clothes
Moth, Timothy
Looking for genetic information? You'll find it in one of these double helix shaped molecules.
Deoxyribonucleic acid
This person created the first full-length animated film, you'll see his name on a few even nowadays
Walt Disney
Change one letter from this Capital city to spell synonym for a severely infectious disease
The 14th Century Emperor of this West African Country was so rich he caused one of the most severe cases of hyperinflation in history after handing out gold
3 bars are ideal for this technology that provides access to the internet. Too bad the car doesn't have it.
Wireless Fidelity
The first and only person to win a Nobel prize in two different sciences. Physics in 1903 and Chemistry in 1911
Marie Curie