Native Traditions
Looking Native
Being Native
Native Life

Powwows are Satanic rituals that worship fake gods.

                         What is...False?

Powwows are celebrations of the Native culture and a chance for us to commune together!


Native Americans are a variety of skin colors, features, and hair textures.

                    What is...true?

 All Native Americans don't have brown skin and straight long black hair! Our features are diverse and all of them are beautifulll


All colleges give full rides to Native Americans as long as they provide proof that they are Native!

What is false...? 

Natives have to pay like everyone else, but there are many scholarships for Native students! 


Full-blooded Native Americans live on reservations. 

What is ...false?

Many federal recognized tribes have reservations and this can lead to those Natives been viewed as "more" Native than the state recognized tribes. 


Thanksgiving was a peaceful supper between Natives and Pilgrims. Disputes erupted after because of land disagreements. 

 What is... False? 

 During the time "thanksgiving" supposedly occurred, diseases from the Europeans were killing the Natives, they were being colonized, assimilated, made into slaves, and at the fore front of discrimination. 


Regalia's are clothes that the old Natives used to wear. They aren't relevant today. 

What is...false?

Regalia's are still worn today. It's what Native Americans wear while they dance during powwows or any kind of event. 


Native mascots are a way that teams honor Native Americans and bring awareness to them

What is..false?

Native mascots perpetuate the idea that Native Americans are extinct, just caricatures


True descendants of Native Americans cease to exist anymore.

What is....FALSE?

All of us who are of Native kin are descendants of our great ancestors :)


Before Europeans arrived, Native Americans had no civilization and needed the Europeans to assimilate them so they could thrive. 

                       What is... false?                       

Pre-Columbus, Native Americans had built their own communities and were thriving!


Natives don't have to dress traditionally everyday so you can know they're Native

what is...true

Natives were everyday clothes like everyone else, that doesn't contribute to our Native heritage. 


When you have at least a blood quantum of 1/8 of Native American, you automatically qualify to get money from the federal government. The government will provide for all your financial needs 

What is...false?

While the federal government does give money to many federally recognized tribes, not all Natives receive it and it's definitely not enough to fully support a person


Every Native American has one of these, it's basically a taboo to not

What is...false?

Although tomahawks are a frequent thing to see in Native tribes, every tribe isn't the same. Owning one doesn't make you more or less Native. 


There is not a general Native American culture 

what is....true! 

Although we share some traditions with each other, each Native tribe is uniquely different. 


This movement doesn't try to exclude missing women from other races 

what is...true?

The MMIW movement tries to draw attention to indigenous women cases that have been ignored/overlooked 


It's okay to refer to Natives as "Indian" even though columbus got their name wrong. The term is acceptable now. 

what is....false?

We aren't Indians, so we shouldn't be called that. Although, if you visit Native communities, the term is still sometimes used by Natives. 


Native beadwork is not generic therefore non-natives can't create it. 

what is....true

There is other beadwork that people can do that isn't tied to Native culture. But any one can wear it! 


This is a Jingle Dress regalia and it's the only regalia that non-Natives can wear! 

What is... false?

Native regalia's are only to be worn by Natives!! Every Native dance is sacred and each dance has a meaning and represents something! 


All of these people could be Native American

What is...true?

We know how genetics haha


The stereotype that mostly all Natives are drunks is incorrect. 

What is.... true

We have alcoholic issues in our community like everyone else! It doesn't define us


Native Americans still live in teepees on reservations. They aren't familiar with A/C or electrical heat. 

What is... false?

While many Natives did live in teepees, this isn't true anymore. In history, not all Natives lived in teepees, some lived in longhouses or other homes. You may still still see Teepees in Natives communities but they aren't used for housing today!