What is one of Security's responsibilites during a Civil Disturbance?
Secure badge access
Secure entry/exits
Access to Hospital Property.
Who is notified in the event of Power Outage besides Security?
Does Security clean up any contaminated spills?
When Security conducts testing, what radio channel can we switch to on our radios?
Tac 1
How long did it take 500 Squad to find the Bomb today?
They didn't.
T/F Demonstrations are not allowed on Hospital property without permission.
True of False? If the main radio console in ECC is affected, dispatcher will announce for radio traffic to be limited to critical traffic only.
When the Security Officer arrives to a contaminated spill what is their next actions?
Remain a safe distance'
Notify ECC
Who is notified if there is any failed panic alarm systems?
Security System Technician
What is the name of a Frog that can fly?
Wallace Flying Frog
Who responds to events of large gatherings to evaluate and establish the leader of a gathering?
Security Supervisor
In the event of a power outage/failure what two things do Security need to have?
Fire department.
When we are testing the panic alarms who are we also notifying besides ECC?
How many teeth does a snail have?
Around 14,000 to be precise
Security Supervisor will contact Law Enforcement if the gathering of people are doing any of what 3 things?
Damaging Property
Being disruptive to hospital operations.
True of False? Security Admin can not request for more Security Officers during a power failure.
Security Admin can request for more Officers to respond and work.
What is a chemical spill defined as?
When a chemical is out of control and leaking everywhere.
Where are blue light panic alarms mainly at?
Parking Decks
Can Hippos swim?
Any group larger than ____ is required to give a 24 hour notice?
What is Security's responsibility when the outage effects the helipad at night?
Verify function of landing lights and have ECC contact AirCare of the outage.
When an Officer calls into ECC what is some information to have ready?
Description of Chemical/Spill
Numbers of persons exposed
If medical attention is required
What two things must be secured to make sure there's no entry into contaminated floors.
Elevators and Stairs
When was the Letter "J" invented?
In 1524, it was the most recent letter to be invented.